From: () Subject: Re: Re : Groups Date: 14 Oct 2000 11:36:27 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: [missing] In article <8s9anj$if4$>, "Nicola Sottocornola" writes: > > >Hi Derek, >thank you for your answer. No problem! It's nice to have mathematics discussed on this newsgroup from time to time! >Really, the group I'd like to study is this one: > >G generated by a and b, > >|a|=10 >|b|=2 >|a^j b|=4 si j=1,3,5,7,9 >|a^k b|=10 si k=2,4,6,8. > >Is G a finite group? No, this group is infinite. There is a standard computational technique for proving infiniteness of groups defined by a finite presentation, which works on this example. For any such group you can calculate the invariants of its largest abelian quotient by a standard method, which involves putting an integral matrix into Smith normal form. If that quotient out to be infinite, then the group is proved infinite. Often however, it is finite - in your example it has order 4. In that case, you look for subgroups of finite index, calculate a presentation of the subgroup, using the standard Reidemeister-Schreier methos, and try the abelian invariants of the subgroup. Again if they involve an infinite factor, then the original group is infinite. There are various ways you can look for suitable subgroups of finite index. There is low index subgroups algortihm for example, which finds all subgroups up to a given index. You can also find them as kernels of homomorphisms onto finite groups. For your example, I eventually found a subgroup of index 1000 of which the abelian invariants are {0^24}. This means that the largest abelian quotient of that subgroup is free abelian of rank 24. So the original group is infinite. Derek Holt. ============================================================================== From: () Subject: Re: Re : Groups Date: 16 Oct 2000 11:02:36 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math In article <>, jamesrheckman@gateway.netnospam (Jim Heckman) writes: [proof of infiniteness of a certain finitely presented group - omitted] > >Cool! Cool! Cool! Can you provide literature references, preferably (a) >book(s), that discuss all this? > The theory is all covered, probably in much more detail than you would ever want, in the book "Computation with finitely presented groups" by Charles C. Sims, Cambridge Univ. Press 1994. Sections 5.6, and Chapters 6 and 8 are relevant to this sort of calculation. Derek Holt.