From: "Dr. Michael Albert" Subject: Re: on Gaussian... Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:23:53 -0400 Newsgroups: sci.image.processing,sci.math,sci.physics Summary: [missing] On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 wrote: > why and what are the advantages of assuming something as Gaussian. I am > working on an estimation problem and I notice that some unknowns are > assumed to follow a normal distribution (?). 1) Gaussians are mathematically tractable. 2) The central limit theorm states that if a random variable is the sum of a large number of random independent effects, none of which dominate (there are technical conditions to assure this), then the random variable will generally have a normal distribution. For many purposes, one can argue that the conditions of this theorm are met. For example, if the random variable is the "jiggle" in the position of a star due to atmospheric turbulence, one could argue that the jiggle is the approximately additive sum of the jiggles induced by many distinct regions of the atmosphere acting approximately independently. Versions of the central limit theorm are proven in advanced texts on probability (again, they can differ in technical hypotheses cheifly related to guaranteeing that the no single effect dominates). The text by Feller is of note because it has a relatively elementary proof which does not involve the theory of Fourier transforms. 3) Experience has shown that the Gaussian distribution often gives very reasonable results. Indeed, often the results don't depend upon the distribution being exactly Gaussian, so long as the mean and variance are "correct" and the tails aren't too big. But be careful--remember "Everyone believes in the normal distribution--the physicists believe it is a mathematical theorm, and the mathematicians believe it is has been experimentally verified." Best wishes, Mike