From: bv Subject: Re: Integration of system of 1st order diff. equations Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 16:48:48 -0700 Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis Summary: [missing] Andreas Meyer wrote: > > In the context of matrix exponentials, I came across the problem of > calculating cosh(sqrt(MATRIX)*t). As far as I understand expokit, the > evaluation of cosh(MATRIX*t) should be no problem. However, I wonder if > there is any way of taking into account the sqrt-operation on the matrix > as well. Can't say in the context above, however the answer may lie within the subject of matrix fcns. In a nutshell, if a fcn f(x) is defined on the spectrum of A, then there exists a matrix valued fcn f(A) as well. To get started, see: "The numerical treatment of the vertically averaged pdes for a well-mixed estuary by the multiplicative integral and transcendental fcns of matrices method", N. Petrakopoulos, Proceedings of the SCS, Reno, Nevada, 1985 -- Dr.B.Voh ----------------------------------------------- Modeling * Simulation * Analysis -----------------------------------------------