From: Wilbert Dijkhof Subject: Modular equations, theta functions and solution of the equation of degree 5, 1/2 Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 15:59:18 +0200 Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: [missing] Hi all, Modular equations and theta functions are (could be) used to solve the equation of degree 5. Properties of modular equations and theta functions as well as the outline of the solution of the equation of degree 5 are listed in the book "Pi and the AGM of Borwein and Borwein". A while now I'm trying to understand this stuff, but I still don't understand most of it. So I hope there are people who can help me. In this post I will give first some definitions and theorems that I do understand. For anyone who has this book, I don't understand much of the proof of theorem 4.7 (about the modular equation for lambda). Some definitions and theorems: definition 1, page 33, basic theta functions) The basic theta functions are defined for |q|<1 by 1) theta2(q) := sum( q^(n+1/2)^2, n=-oo..oo) with theta2(0) = 0 2) theta3(q) := sum( q^n^2, n=-oo..oo) with theta3(0) = 1 3) theta4(q) := sum( (-1)^n*q^n^2, n=-oo..oo) with theta4(0) = 1 definition 2, page 7, elliptic integrals) The complete elliptical integral of the first kind is defined as K := K(k) := int( (1-k^2*(sint)^2, t=0..Pi/2) The complementary integral is defined as K' := K'(k) := K(k') = K(sqrt(1-k^2)) theorem 1, page 41, nome) Define k := k(q) = theta2(q)^2/theta3(q)^2 then it follows that q = exp(-Pi*K'/K) is the unique solution in k=(0,1) to k = theta2(q)^2/theta3(q)^2, q is called the nome associated with k. see theorem 2.1 page 35. proof) If someone is interested I will give the proof. definition 3, page 113, modular group lambda) The modular group lambda is the set of all transformations of the form w = (at+b)/(ct+d) with a,d odd, b,c even and ad-bc=1. It's a nice exercise to check that these transformations form indeed a group under composition. theorem 2, page 113, SL(2,Z)) These set of transformations w = (at+b)/(ct+d) are (could be made) isomorph to the set of matrices of the from [[a b],[c d]] under multiplication. proof) Nice exercise. theorem 3, page 117, generators of the lambda group) Let q:=exp(i*Pi*t) let k(t) := k(q) and lambda(t):=(k(t))^2. It can be proven that (see page 115) i) lambda(t+2) = lambda(t) ii) lambda( t/(2t+1) ) = lambda(t) or what is the same using our isomorphism from theorem 2: i) lambda * S_lambda = lambda ii) lambda * T_lambda = lambda with S_lambda = [[1 2],[1 0]] and T_lambda = [[1 0],[2 1]] and * means composition. proof) Nice exercise. theorem 4, page 117, generators of the lambda group) lambda is generated by S_lambda and T_lambda proof) If someone is interested I will give the proof. Pick an element w of the lambda-group, this theorem means that we can express w as a product of powers of S_lambda and T_lambda and from theorem 3 follows lambda * w = lambda. definition 4, page 114, lambda-modular function) A lambda-modular function is a function f which satisfies: i) f is meromorphic in H:={Im(t)>0} (upper half plane) ii) f(A(t)) = f(t) for all t in H* and A in lambda iii) there's another one, but the above two are the most important ones theorem 5, page 114, example of a lambda-modular function) Above we gave a sketch of the following: lambda(t) defined in theorem 3 is lambda-modular function. Ok, this is enough for now. We need one important theorem to formulate and start proving "Theorem 4.7", see next post. Wilbert ============================================================================== From: Wilbert Dijkhof Subject: Modular equations, theta functions and solution of the equation of degree 5, 2/2 Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 22:38:38 +0200 Newsgroups: sci.math I had promised we needed one important theorem to formulate and proof "Theorem 4.7 of Pi and the AGM of Borwein and Borwein". A transformation of order p is a matrix [[a b],[c d]], a,d odd, b,c even and ad-bc=p<>0. These transformations form a group which I will denote by GL(2,Z). We will assume that p is an odd prime. We say that M is equivalent to N mod G (M = N mod G) for a group of transformations G if there's an S in G so that M = S*N. theorem 6, page 120) a) Every M in GL(2,Z) is equivalent mod lambda to one of the p+1 transformations of the set B, where B := {B_p:=[[p 0],[0 1]], B_j:=[[1 2j],[0 p]], j=0,1,...,p-1} Thus for every M in GL(2,Z) there's a B_j in B and L in the lambda-group such that M = L*B_j b) The p+1 elements of B are pairwise inequivalent mod lambda. proof) Nice exercise, do this. theorem 7, page 120) c) The p+1 functions lambda(B_j(t)), j=0..p are permuted by any element of the lambda-group. proof) We must show that {lambda * B_j * S}_j=1..p = {lambda * B_j}_j=1..p where * means composition. Suppose S is in lambda-group, then from theorem 6 we know that there's a B_k in B (B_k <> B_j) such that B_j*S = B_k mod lambda, because B_j*S is an element from GL(2,Z). That is there's a L in the lambda-group such that B_j*S = L*B_k for some k <> j (k in {0,1,..,p}). Thus by modularity of lambda follows lambda * B_j * S = lambda * L * B_k = lambda * B_k with k<>j. Let's give an introduction to "Theorem 4.7, page 121": The modular equation for lambda of order p is the polynomial (a) W_p(x,lambda) := (x-lambda_0)*(x-lambda_1)*...*(x-lambda_p) with lambda_j := lambda * B_j. This is obviously of degree p+1 in x and has a root at each lambda_j. Note that lambda_p(t) = lambda(pt) and lambda_j(t) = lambda( (t+2j)/p ), j=-h ) which has indeed no fractional powers in q in its expansion. I can see that this is also right for m=2,3,... . I doubt whether this is true for m=-1,-2,..., but I don't think you need that. Ok after seeing the lemma's, let continue proving Theorem 4.7. Borwein and Borwein consider W'_p(x,lambda) := (y-lambda'_0)*(y-lambda'_1)*...*(y-lambda'_p) (see (a)) with lambda'_j := 16/lambda_j and y := 16/x. They say it's convenient to work with, but I don't see why. Note that 16^(p+1)*W_p(x,lambda) = [x^(p+1)*(lambda_0 * ... *lambda_p)]*W'_p(y,lambda). Now by theorem 6 and lemma 1 any symmetric polynomial in 1/(lambda_0), 1/(lambda_1), ..., 1/(lambda_p) is left invariant by any element of the lambda-group. Check: let f_t be the coefficient of y^(p+1-t) in W'_p(y,lambda). Thus we have f_0 = 1, f_1 = 1/(lambda_0) + ... + 1/(lambda_p), f_2 = 1/(lambda_0) * 1/(lambda_1) + ... , f_(p+1) = 1/(lambda_0) * ... * 1/(lambda_p) which are indeed left invariant by any element of the lambda-group. Thus f_t is lambda-modular for t=1..(p+1). I don't see where in the proof we actually use that f_t is lambda-modular, but ok let continue, from lemma 2: lambda(q) = 16*q*product[ (1+q^2v)^8/(1+q^(2v-1))^8, v=1..oo) and we have integers c_v such that lambda' := 16/lambda = 1/q + sum( c_v*q^v, v=0..oo), that's easy to see. Similar we have lambda'_j = 1/(a^j*q^(1/p)) + sum( c_v*a^(vj)*q^(v/p), v=0..oo) with j