From: "Charles H. Giffen" Subject: Re: 2 algebra questions Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 12:35:07 -0500 Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: [missing] Andrei Prasolov wrote: > > Hi everybody, > > Let G be a product of countably many copies of Z, > and H \subset G be the direct sum of countably many copies of Z. > > 1. Is G free abelian? > 2. Is G/H purely injective? > > Purely injective = injective with respect for > pure exact sequences ( = filtering direct limit of split exact > sequences). > > What is known: G is the set of sequences (n_i), i \in N, n_i \in Z. > If we restrict ourselves with BOUNDED such sequences then > the corresponding group G' is free abelian. > > Yours, > > Andrei Prasolov > Tromso, Norway In Kurosh (Theory of Groups, Vol. 1, Engl. transl. Chelsea Pub., 1956/1960, section 32), it is proved that Hom(G,Z) = H, so G cannot be free. Of course, Hom(H,Z) = G is trivial. ============================================================================== From: (William C Waterhouse) Subject: Re: algebra questions Date: 3 Feb 2000 21:00:22 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math In article <>, Andrei Prasolov writes: >... > Let G be a product of countably many copies of Z, > and H \subset G be the direct sum of countably many copies of Z. > > 1. Is G free abelian? > 2. Is G/H purely injective? The answer to 1) is NO, and there's a fairly standard proof as follows. a) Let P be the subgroup of G consisting of sequences where the power of 2 dividing a_n goes to infinity. This contains the subgroup Z x 2Z x 4Z x..., so it has the cardinality of the continuum. b) Evvery element in P can be changed in finitely many places to become 2 times some other element in P. Thus the elements in P with only finitely many nonzero entries form a subgroup mapping onto P/2P. c) Now if G were free, its subgroup P would also be free. By a), P would have to have continuum-many elements in a basis, and so P/2P would be a Z/2Z space of continuum dimension. But by b), that's not true. William C. Waterhouse Penn State