From: (Richard Tobin) Subject: Re: How many people have lived in the world? Date: 25 Oct 2000 11:43:12 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: [missing] In article <8t60b4$gif6m$>, Rene wrote: >would have a factor of 1000, alowing 6 million peapople to live around 1000 >AC. This sounds reasonable to me. Estimates of the world population in 1000 AD vary from 254 to 345 million. See for a list. There is an article by Carl Haub on the subject from 1995: which estimates that the total as 105 billion, with 5.5% (1 in 18) alive in 1995. -- Richard -- Spam filter: to mail me from a .com/.net site, put my surname in the headers. printf("%.*s\n", len, str);