From: (H. Enderton) Subject: Re: infinitely iterated power set Date: 15 Jan 2000 03:51:49 GMT Newsgroups: sci.logic,sci.math Summary: [missing] >maky m. wrote: >>in a discussion with a colleague, the following construct arose: >>P1(A) := power set of set A >>Pi(A) := P(Pi-1(A)) (ie the power set of the set Pi-1(A)) for i a >>positive integer greater than 1 >>question: is the limit of Pi(A) as i goes to infinity a set? Yes. But you need the axiom of replacement to prove this. Zermelo set theory does not suffice. Dave Seaman wrote: >This process can be continued. You can talk about the (w+1)st power set >of A, the (w+w)th power set, and in general, the alpha-th power set for >any ordinal alpha. The question then arises: does this process have a >limit? Is there a set big enough to contain all of these iterated power >sets? > >The answer is no. Indeed, if you take A = emptyset, and iterate over all the ordinals, you get V, the class of all sets. That's the foundation axiom. --Herb Enderton