From: kramsay@aol.commangled (Keith Ramsay) Subject: Re: Elliptic curves with singularities... Date: 19 Jan 2000 05:20:55 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: [missing] In article <8630fe$nsc$>, (Lee Rudolph) writes: |The cusp curve (with the cusp removed, but its points at infinity |all present and accounted for) can be turned into the additive group |of the ground field, and the node curve (with similar provisos) |can be turned into the multiplicative group. | |I think. Sure, although I think you meant to include the point at infinity. y^2*z - x^3 (1) Consider the mapping t->(x,y,z) given by t->(t, 1, t^3). It gives a parametrization of the curve (1) everywhere except the cusp; t=0 maps to the point at infinity with homogeneous coordinates (0,1,0). A line in the projective plane is represented by a plane in three dimensional space through the origin, ax+by+cz=0, and the points of intersection of such a plane where c<>0 correspond to the roots of the cubic ct^3+at+b=0. The three points are regarded as adding up to zero in the group law, and lo and behold they correspond to a triple of t values which also adds to zero, because the sum of the three roots of the cubic is minus the coefficient of t^2 (0) divided by the coefficient of t^3. When c=0, we get a line in the projective plane passing through the singular point. The line intersects the singular point twice in a sense, and there's just one other root. That's a bit like "infinity+ anything=infinity". The line y=0 (the x-axis) intersects the curve with multiplicity three at the cusp. So the group law then (picking any point away from the cusp as the origin) works out to be just the same as addition. In the other case y^2*z - x^3 + ax^2*z (2) things are more complicated because of the way factors of sqrt(-a) occur, so to keep it simple let me set a=-1. Then y^2*z = x^3 + x^2*z (2') can be parametrized by t->(4t(t-1), 4t(t+1), (t-1)^3), where the node at (0,0,1) is approached by letting t go either to zero or to infinity. A line is given by Ax+By+Cz=0 again, and the three associated values of t satisfy a cubic of the form C(t-1)^3 + 4At(t-1) + 4Bt(t+1) = 0 i.e. a cubic where the coefficients of t^3 and 1 add to zero. This means that the roots of the cubic multiply to 1. So in that case the group law is the same as multiplication on (complex, say) nonzero numbers. Keith Ramsay