From: kovarik@mcmail.cis.McMaster.CA (Zdislav V. Kovarik) Subject: Re: distance between two points on a sphere? Date: 9 Dec 2000 05:15:10 -0500 Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: [missing] In article <>, MilazzoBobby wrote: :What is a general method of computing the distance between two :points on the surface of any sphere? : :Is there an exact formula? : : On the unit sphere, using spherical coordinates (from my collection): Angle beta between vectors [cos(th1)*cos(phi1) , sin(th1)*cos(phi1) , sin(phi1) ] and [cos(th2)*cos(phi2) , sin(th2)*cos(phi2) , sin(phi2) ] is obtained from (sin(beta/2))^2 = (sin((phi1-phi2)/2))^2 + (sin((th1-th2)/2))^2 * cos(phi1) * cos(phi2) or, if you want to see a sum of squares throughout, (sin(beta/2))^2 = (sin((phi1-phi2)/2))^2 * (cos((th1-th2)/2))^2 + (sin((th1-th2)/2))^2 * (cos((phi1+phi2)/2))^2 :Thank You. You are welcome. ZVK(Slavek)