From: "Urban Lundman" Subject: Woodbury Formula for a special case Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 15:50:15 +0200 Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis Summary: Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula for updating inverses Hi, I wonder if there is any way to simplify the Woodbury (or Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury) formula for this special case: inv(C + w'*w) = ..., where C is symmetric and w is a matrix of suitable size (but not a single row). C is a covariance matrix (C = inv(A'*A) for some matrix A). (w' denotes the transpose of w) The formula states that inv(A + U*D*V') = inv(A) - inv(A)*U*inv[inv(D) + V'*inv(A)*U]*V'*inv(A) if hope I got it right. I've tried some myself, ending up with C*E*C - W*E*W = C - W, (again if I got it right) where E is the expression I want so simplify (that is E = inv(C + w'*w)) and W = w'*w, but I cannot get an explicit, "simple" expression for E. Thanks in advance, Urban