From: (Joel Riou) Subject: Re: Galois cohomology Date: 2 Feb 2001 18:24:51 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math Summary: Hilbert's Theorem 90 (cohomology groups are trivial) Nick Halloway , dans le message (sci.math:390500), a écrit : > I heard that the first cohomology group for the action of a finite Galois > group on the additive or multiplicative subgroups of a field is = 1. Let K/k be a finite Galois extension, and G the Galois group. Then the fact that H^1(G;K^*)=0 is known as the Hilbert 90 theorem. For the additive group, for all i>=1, H^i(G;K)=0. A reference for Galois cohomology is Local fields, Jean-Pierre Serre. -- Joël Riou -