From: (C. T. McMullen) Newsgroups: sci.math.research Subject: Re: PL and DIFF manifolds: a question Date: 21 Aug 1997 18:26:12 GMT In article , Marco de Innocentis wrote: > > It is often stated >that DIFF manifolds are a particular case of PL manifolds, but this fact >is not obvious. How does one go about proving it? A DIFF manifold carries a canonical PL structure, which can be obtained by 1) introducing a Riemannian metric, then 2) choosing a fine triangulation whose 1-skeleton is piecewise geodesic, with triangles of bounded geometry; and 3) using barycentric coordinates (relative to the given metric) to get new, nearby simplices, each endowed with a linear structure. It is not quite true that a DIFF manifold *is* a PL manifold; one should introduce the intermediate category of PDIFF, piecewise-smooth manifolds, which clearly contains DIFF manifolds. A clear discussion appears in the book by Thurston, "Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology", PUP, 1997. -C. McMullen