95f:94005 94A12 00A69 42C15 68U10 94A11 Meyer, Yves(F-PARIS9-A) Wavelets. (English) Algorithms & applications. Translated from the French and with a foreword by Robert D. Ryan. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, 1993. xii+133 pp. $19.50. ISBN 0-89871-309-9 The study of wavelets and their applications has enjoyed considerable attention over the past decade because of their utility in addressing problems in a wide range of disciplines. Among these areas one finds signal analysis, image processing, scientific computing, turbulence and astronomy. Yves Meyer, who is one of the principals in the development of this discipline, has written a particularly fine monograph, in conjunction with Ryan as translator, which serves as a highly "readable" and worthwhile introduction to the subject. The purpose of the book is to describe certain coding algorithms that have recently been used to analyze signals with a fractal structure or for the compression and storage of information. Having said this, I will summarize the contents and features of the book. The first chapter gives the reader an overview of the scientific content of the book, acquaints the reader with the notions of a signal and signal processing, and introduces the main objectives and issues of the study. Although the author notes many areas of application, ranging from telecommunications and image processing to neurophysiology, cryptography and archived data found in the FBI's fingerprint records, I would view the theme in the context of signal and image processing, where the relevant issues are analysis and diagnostics, coding, quantization and compression, transmission, storage and synthesis and reconstruction. Some basic terminology and concepts for "time-frequency" (Grossmann-Morlet) and "time-scale" (Gabor and Malvar) type wavelets are set up along with the framework for the development of algorithms. The second chapter has a special status. It develops a historical perspective of wavelets and frames some of the major topics for discussion in the following chapters. It seems that wavelets are synthesized from roughly seven related concepts. The idea begins with Fourier (1807), who represented a function in terms of its constituent frequencies. Fourier analysis is inadequate in describing many phenomena that have a random, "rough" or fractal structure. The first steps toward an attempt to address functions with these characteristics were taken by Paul Du Bois-Reymond (1873) and Haar (1909), in whose studies Fourier's frequency analysis became an analysis of scale. We start an overview of some of the discussion after the real advances appeared in the 1930s. Paul Levy showed that the Schauder basis is superior to Fourier's in the study of local regularity properties of Brownian motion. The motion may be considered a random signal for which Fourier analysis is not suited to highlight the inherent multifractal structure. A similar deficiency is found by trying to localize the energy of a function. The problem is that the norms $\Vert f\Vert \sb p$ cannot be calculated or estimated from the Fourier coefficients except in the case $p=2$. J. E. Littlewood and R. Paley redressed this shortcoming by defining partial sums of Fourier series taken in "dyadic blocks" so that the function could be expanded as a series of these partial sums. They then determined upper and lower bounds on the $p$-norms of the expansion in terms of the $p$-norm of the function. A. Zygmund and his associates considered the Littlewood-Paley result on $\bold R\sp n$. It was at this point that the notion of a "mother wavelet" $\psi(x)$ arose. Such a function is an infinitely differentiable, rapidly decreasing function of $x$ defined on $\bold R\sp n$ which has a Fourier transform $\psi\sphat(\xi)$ that satisfies the following four properties: $\psi\sphat(\xi)=1$ if $1+\alpha\leq\vert \xi\vert \leq 2-2\alpha$, $\psi\sphat(\xi)=0$ if $\vert \xi\vert \leq 1-\alpha$ or $\vert \xi\vert \geq 2+2\alpha$, $\psi\sphat(\xi)\in C\sp \infty(\bold R\sp n)$, and $\sum\sp \infty\sb {-\infty}\vert \psi\sphat(2\sp {-j}\xi)\vert =1$ for $\xi\neq 0$. The theory proceeds by setting $\psi\sb j(x)=2\sp {nj}\psi(2\sp jx)$ and replacing Littlewood's and Paley's dyadic blocks with the convolution products $\Delta\sb j(f)=f*\psi\sb j$. The operators $\Delta\sb j$ constitute a bank of bandpass filters taken on intervals that cover about one octave. The Paley-Littlewood-Stein function is defined by $g(x)=(\sum\sp \infty\sb {-\infty}\vert \Delta\sb j(f)\vert \sp 2)\sp {1/2}$. The dominant feature of this function is the ability to analyze $f(x)$ by basing the analysis on an arbitrary choice of scales. The main result states that there exist constants $0\leq c\sb p\leq C\sb p$ such that for all $f\in L\sp p(\bold R\sp n)$, $c\sb p\Vert f\Vert \sb p\leq\Vert g\Vert \sb p\leq C\sb p\Vert f\Vert \sb p$. Later on this theorem is tied in with the work of D. Marr and S. Mallat, who derived an effective algorithm for numerical signal processing. I. Daubechies (1987) was able to build on Mallat's theory to complete Haar's work by constructing an orthonormal basis for $L\sp 2(\bold R)$ of the form $2\sp {j/2}\psi\sb r(2\sp jx-k)$, $j,k\in\bold Z$ for each integer $r\geq 1$. The functions $\psi\sb r(x)\in C\sp {\gamma r}$, $\gamma\sim\frac15$, have support on $[0,2r+1]$ and satisfy $\int\sp \infty\sb {-\infty}x\sp k\psi\sb r(x)dx=0$, $k=0,1,\cdots,r$. The Haar system which corresponds to the special case $r=0$ is not regular. The preselected regularity and compact support of the Daubechies wavelets makes them far superior to the Haar system for both analysis and synthesis. The substance of Chapter Two is to trace the paths leading from Fourier analysis to two "syntheses". The first path leads to A. Calderon ("Calderon's identity") in 1960, to Franklin's and Stromberg's wavelets (1981), and then to the work of G. Weiss and R. Coifman in the 1980s as a first synthesis based on the notion of wavelets and wavelet analysis (atomic decompositions). The second synthesis begins with the work of Grossman-Morlet (which is generally that of Calderon) and provides a physically intuitive flexible approach leading to Daubechies wavelets via Mallat. My brief accounting of the development omits important contributions and contributors and their roles in the foundations of the wavelet theory. The chapter is a nice development of the various schools of thought. It shows that mathematicians have been developing the concept for a long time, and in some cases as groups acting independently of each other, so that wavelets have been rediscovered. The chapter is written so that a scientist with a basic knowledge of analysis can understand the significance of each of the contributions. The next two chapters concern time-scale algorithms. The third chapter introduces quadrature mirror filters. The concept arose in the thesis of C. Galand (1983). Galand was motivated to improve the digital telephone. He directed his efforts at coding methods for transmitting speech well below the standard of 64 kilobits per second. The results have applications to many devices that rely on digital information. There are three basic types of coding procedures that yield the same asymptotic quality for compression. Galand saw that introduction of a treelike arrangement of quadrature mirror filters in conjunction with a simple coding algorithm would dramatically reduce the effects of quantization. Mallat used Galand's notion of time-frequency algorithms and quadrature mirror filters to construct time-scale algorithms using a "herringbone" algorithm which converges to the analysis of the signal in an orthonormal wavelet basis. The fourth chapter describes pyramid algorithms for numerical image processing. The stage is set in the context of cartography, where the key information is spread over a broad range of scales. The information usually shows a dependence from scale to scale. This example suggests imbedded relations and a treelike structure for the representation of scales and leads to Burt's and Adelson's pyramid algorithms in the context of image compression. Examples of pyramid algorithms are presented, including the Laplacian pyramid, which occurs later on in the chapter with the introduction of bi-orthogonal wavelets. Multiresolution analyses are introduced in the context of pyramid analyses by describing a continuous version of the algorithm. The multiresolution analysis relies on a huge range of scales in which an image is replaced by its best approximation at that scale. The algorithm that moves the approximation from one scale to the next finer scale and improves the quality of the representation is known as multiresolution analysis. Mallat and Y. Meyer explicitly determined the interactions between the discrete and continuous versions of the algorithms implied by the work of Burt and Adelson. The flaw in the Burt and Adelson algorithm is that it replaces information coded by $N\sp 2$ pixels with information coded by $(4/3)N\sp 2$ pixels. This is offset by developing a two-dimensional version of Mallat's algorithm to produce an "exact reconstruction" identity. A. Cohen examined the outputs of Mallat's algorithm and determined limits on the coefficients under very general conditions which retained the key information from scale to scale. However, orthonormal wavelet bases fall short of the requirements of image processing from the point of view of quantization. One of the main defects was the lack of symmetry, which resulted in visible defects following quantization. This deficiency was overcome by the work of Cohen, Daubechies and Jean-Christophe Feauveau, who built on the work of P. Tchamitchian to develop symmetric bi-orthogonal compactly supported wavelets. M. Barlaud used these wavelets and an efficient vector quantization method for coding wavelet coefficients to achieve a compression ratio on the order of one to one hundred. Chapter Five focuses on time-frequency analysis for signal processing. The principal discussion centers around the Wigner-Ville transform from Ville's viewpoint. The discussion begins with the work of D. Gabor (1946) and Jean Ville (1947), who studied the problem of developing a mixed signal representation in terms of a double sequence of elementary signals. Each of the elementary signals occupies a domain in the time-frequency plane which contains useful information about the signal frequencies and temporal structure. Ville's idea was to unfold a signal in the time-frequency domain so that the development would produce a mixed representation in terms of time-frequency atoms. The selection of the atoms would be determined by the signal's energy distribution in the time-frequency plane. The real problem is to determine the best method for decomposing a signal into a sum of appropriately chosen time-frequency atoms. The Wigner-Ville transform addresses this problem. Ville's idea was to display the energy density of a signal in the time-frequency plane in terms of an energy density function $W(t,\xi)$ which analyzes the time and frequency components. This approach commences with a pair of Plancherel formulas connecting the signal, its Fourier transform and the energy density function $W(t,\xi)$. These formulas are not sufficient. One must impose "Moyal's formula", which is a type of Parseval identity, together with a condition connected to Gabor's time-frequency atoms and their transform $W\sb \xi(t,\xi)$. One then finds that the energy density $$W(t,\xi)=\int\sp \infty\sb {-\infty}f(t+\tau/2) f\sp *(t-\tau/2)e\sp {-i\xi\tau}d\tau$$ satisfies all the previous criteria for finite energy signals. The Wigner-Ville transforms of some signals are computed and an important identity connecting the Wigner-Ville transform of a signal and its Fourier transform is noted. The connections among the transform, pseudodifferential operators and quantum mechanics are pointed out. The author describes the representation of a signal in terms of the corresponding analytic signal. The two major shortcomings of the theory are discussed. The author notes that the Wigner-Ville transform presents an imperfect representation of the energy distribution in the time-frequency domain and that there is no algorithm that permits atomic decomposition of a signal analogous to octaves of musical notes using these methods. The sixth chapter concerns time-frequency algorithms based on Malvar's wavelets. The idea is to determine procedures for numerical processing in real time. These methods favor synthesis and transmission over Ville's physics-based analysis. Ville's approach was deficient and did not lead to the transmission of information. The main concern here is to devise algorithms that expand a signal $f(t)=\sum\sp \infty\sb 0\alpha\sb jf\sb {R\sb j}(t)$ in the minimum number of terms. The nonuniqueness of the decomposition gives flexibility in determining optimal decompositions. The time-frequency atoms $f\sb R(t)$ are coded by "symbolic" Heisenberg rectangles $R$ in the time-frequency plane. The algorithms may be approached from the viewpoint of Malvar wavelets or wavelet packets. The Malvar wavelets are in a sense a windowed Fourier analysis based on a simpler and more explicit choice of windows for the continuous version of the discrete cosine transform. R. Coifman and Y. Meyer modified the constructions to obtain variable length windows that could be defined arbitrarily. The Malvar wavelets have attack, stationary and decay components which can be selected arbitrarily and independently of each other. These characteristics distinguish Malvar's wavelets from the other classes of wavelets and give them versatility of design. Pierre-Gilles Lemarie and Y. Meyer constructed a function $\psi(t)$ in the Schwartz class $S(R)$ for which the functions $2\sp {j/2}\psi(2\sp jt-k)$, $j,k\in\bold Z$, form an orthonormal basis for $L\sp 2(\bold R)$. These Lemarie-Meyer wavelets are a special case of Malvar's construction methods. This is interesting because the Lemarie-Meyer wavelets form a time-scale algorithm, in contrast to the Malvar wavelets which constitute a time-frequency algorithm. The author describes adaptive segmentation, the split and merge algorithm and the entropy of a vector relative to an orthonormal basis. The design is given of the algorithm that leads to the minimum entropy and optimal partition for reduction of transmitted data. The author remarks that the chapter presents a striking application of the Grossmann-Morlet wavelets, namely that the Grossmann-Morlet analysis determines the fractal exponents of a multifractal object as functions of its position. Chapters Six and Seven are complementary. Chapter Six views Malvar wavelets which are based on adaptive segmentation whereas Chapter Seven offers the dual technique of wavelet packets which are based on adaptive filtering. Chapter Seven's point of view is time-frequency analysis via wavepackets. The signal is expanded in terms of time-frequency atoms which are characterized by their arbitrary duration and arbitrary frequency. Gabor's wavelets are the well-known example defined by $f\sb R(t)=e\sp {i\omega\sb 0t}h\sp {-1/2}g(t/h)$, where $g(t)$ is the Gaussian $g(t)=\pi\sp {-1/4}e\sp {-t\sp 2/2}$. The function $f\sb R(t)$ is essentially supported on the Heisenberg rectangle $R$. Since the wavelet $f\sb R(t)$ and its Fourier transform $f\sphat\sb R(\xi)$ cannot both have compact support, less stringent requirements are applied. The Gabor wavelets are precisely the optimal solutions to the less stringent criteria in the time-frequency domain. However, the wavelets have an annoying property. E. Sere has shown that the remoteness of the rectangles $R\sb 0,R\sb 1,R\sb 2,\cdots$ does not imply that the wavelets $f\sb {R\sb 0}(t),f\sb {R\sb 1}(t),f\sb {R\sb 2}(t),\cdots$ are well separated from each other. In fact, the remoteness of the rectangles does not even guarantee that the Gabor wavelets are almost orthogonal. Wavelet packets are introduced as a remedy to this problem. These packets are given by the simple algorithm $2\sp {j/2}w\sb n(2\sp jx-k)$, where $n\in\bold N$ and $j,k\in\bold Z$, and the $w\sb n(x)$ have support on $[0,L]$. We associate each of these wavepackets with the frequency interval $I(j,n)$ defined by $2\sp jn\leq\xi\leq 2\sp j(n+1)$, and let $E$ be a set of pairs $(j,n)$, $j\in\bold Z$, $n\in\bold N$, such that the corresponding frequency intervals form a partition of $[0,\infty)$ up to a countable set. Then the subsequence $2\sp {j/2}w\sb n(2\sp jx-k)$ with $(j,n)\in E$ and $k\in\bold Z$ is an orthonormal basis for $L\sp 2(\bold R)$. The author notes that the choice of the partition $E$ is active and that the corresponding sampling with respect to the variable $x$ that is prescribed by Shannon's theorem is passive. Wavelet packets are organized into collections which form orthonormal bases for $L\sp 2(\bold R)$. Daubechies' orthogonal wavelets are a special example. It is convenient to compare the various choices in the "library" of orthonormal bases. The optimal solution is determined by entropy criteria which provide an adaptive filter of the signal. Chapter Seven completes the author's description of "wavelets". This theme is central to the first part of the book. The remaining four chapters focus on applications of these methods to numerical image processing, fractals, turbulence and astronomy. The last two chapters summarize articles found in the literature. Chapter Eight is devoted to computer vision and human vision. The author describes and comments on D. Marr's analysis of the "low-level" processing of information by the retina. Low-level vision is the aspect of human perception that allows us to recreate the three-dimensional organization of our environment. Marr's belief was that the zero-crossings of the wavelet transform coded the luminous information of the retinal cells. Marr's working assumption was that human and computer vision face the same problems. The implication is that algorithmic structures must be tested within the morphology of robotics and artificial vision. Marr developed three general premises connecting the science of vision with the science of robotics. These premises were the foundation of a philosophy that sought to construct algorithms from representations based on the physiology and psychology of the problem. Marr's belief was that human vision was based on a hierarchical structure in which the low-level processing provided a representation used at higher levels. Contrary to the basis of existing algorithms, he did not believe that iterative loops occurred. Marr felt that the retinal system utilized a series of line-based sketches scaled on a geometric progression. The lines are the zero crossings of his theory. Marr's observations of the detection of intensity changes in images lead him to construct ("Marr's") wavelets $\psi(x,y)$. The wavelets are derived from the the Gaussian distribution $g(x,y)=\exp(-(x\sp 2+y\sp 2)/2\sigma\sp 2)$ and the "Mexican hat" operator $\Delta g$ via the action of the filter $\Delta$ as $\psi(x/\sigma,y/\sigma)=\sigma\sp 2\Delta g$. When we codify black and white images as levels of gray in the function $f(x,y)$, the zero-crossings are precisely the lines of the convolution equation $(f*\psi\sb \sigma)=0$. Since the convolutions are essentially the wavelet coefficients of $f(x,y)$, the zero-crossings are determined when the coefficients vanish. Marr's conjecture is essentially that the zero-crossings yield a natural method of digitizing a two-dimensional image in a manner in which all the information is likely to be retained. There are, however, counterexamples for periodic images that are not compactly supported. The conjecture of S. Mallat, a version of Marr's, is examined in detail. Mallat gives an explicit algorithm for image reconstruction that works well. Interestingly, his algorithm is based on a conjecture which is false. Mallat's methods are described and discussed. The author offers as an opinion that the problems of unique representation and stable reconstruction in Mallat's conjecture are distinguished, and, as a consequence, the reconstruction is never stable except in very special cases. Chapter Nine concerns "wavelets and fractals", a title that covers the theme for the remainder of the book. The chapter ties in with earlier discussions of the shortcomings exhibited by Fourier analysis in describing a signal's multifractal structure. The author shows that the Weierstrass function $\omega(t)=\sum\sp \infty\sb 0 2\sp {-j}\cos(2\sp jt)$ and its companion $\sum\sp \infty\sb 0 2\sp {-j}\sin(2\sp jt)$ are nowhere differentiable. The proofs use wavelets and have the general format of Littlewood-Paley analysis. The method is G. Freud's. Wavelet analysis provides a main theorem based on the modulus of the wavelet coefficients to characterize the regular points of a function which is set in a "fractal background". There is an interesting discussion of the Riemann function $W(t)=\sum\sp \infty\sb 1(1/n\sp 2)\sin(\pi n\sp 2t)$, which is studied in terms of the analytic signal $F(t)=\sum\sp \infty\sb 1(1/n\sp 2)\exp(i\pi n\sp 2t)$. The signal's holomorphic extension to the upper half-plane is $F(z)$. This extension is analyzed using Luzin's methods to establish that the wavelet transform of $F(z)$ is, up to a normalization, $F'(z)=i\pi(\theta(z)-1)/2$, where $\theta(z)$ is Jacobi's theta function. A Grossman-Morlet wavelet-based transform representation of $F(t)$ is developed. This representation is tied in with the main theorem to note a proof of a theorem of J. Gerver (1970) that completely characterized the points of regularity of $W(t)$. The last two chapters are very brief. Chapter Ten comments on wavelets and the statistical theory of turbulence. The work of M. Farge and her studies of two-dimensional fully developed turbulence are noted. The author mentions G. Parisi's and U. Frisch's studies of turbulent fluids and their conjecture that turbulent flows develop multifractal singularities when the Reynolds number is large. The general idea seems to be that wavelet analysis may lead to computational techniques that improve upon the traditional numerical methods when physical problems are involved that suggest self-similarity across scales or fractal structures. The monograph concludes with a chapter commenting on the work of A. Bijaoui and his collaborators. They are attempting to use wavelets to describe the hierarchial structure and formation of distant galaxies. The reader will find a nice balance between the detail of "hard" analysis and the exposition supporting the development of the concepts and applications. The detail is at a level appropriate to support the analysis, yet is not too detailed to burden the "nonexpert" reader who seeks to evaluate the potential for application of wavelets in a particular area of research. There are a number of nice illustrations that explain the algorithms and analysis in "pictorial" form. The monograph is the result of the efforts of an author and a translator with insight and ability. Reviewed by Peter A. McCoy © Copyright American Mathematical Society 1995, 1997