From: pethoe@MATH.KLTE.HU (Attila Pethoe) Newsgroups: sci.math.numberthy Subject: Re: P.S. re |x^3-y^2| Date: 17 Sep 98 04:29:29 GMT I have some comments to Noam Elkies message from 18 Aug 1998. More exactly to the part: It is not quite true that [GPZ] tried all k of absolute value <10^5: for about 1000 such k, the analytic rank is 1 but the generator [assuming trivial Tate-Shafarevic group] has height at least 70. Most likely none of these curves E_k has an integral point, because such a point would have |x|>10^28 [and r>10^9 !], but this cannot be proved until a Heegner point computation finds the generator. Recently Klaus Wildanger solved y^2=x^3 + k for those k, which remain left in [GPZ]. He proved that there are indeed no solutions. He used a completely different method, as the method of [GPZ]. His technique is a combination of the method for the solution of y^2=x^3 + k described in [DL] and the method for the solution of cubic index form equations [GSch]. It does not depend on conjectures. You find details in his thesis [W]. One can analyze the running time of Wildanger's method probably much easier, as that of [GPZ]. Hence for the solution of y^2=x^3 + k, |k| \le 10^5 we do not need Heegner point computation. On the other hand, there were computed in [GPZ] a basis of the Mordell-Weil group for the curves y^2=x^3 + k, |k| \le 10^5 with the exceptions, mentioned in Noam Elkies's message. It would be interesting to know the generator of the Mordell-Weil group in the remaining cases too. The smallest value remaining left in our paper is k=7823. Josef Gebel (the G in [GPZ]) tried Heegner point computation for the curve y^2 = x^3 + 7823, but without success. Finally, I computed all integer points on the record holder Mordell curves of Elkies, and for the curve #11 in his table. The integer points are given in one of the basis of the Mordell-Weil group. The computation was done by SIMATH, where the method of [GPZ] is implemented. all nontrivial integral points on EC(0, -1641843) modulo negation : PT(123, 468, 1) = PT(123, 468, 1) + 0*PT(519, 11754, 1) + 0*PT(1257/2, 43371/4, 2) PT(519, 11754, 1) = 0*PT(123, 468, 1) + PT(519, 11754, 1) + 0*PT(1257/2, 43371/4, 2) PT(5853886516781223, 447884928428402042307918, 1) = 3*PT(123, 468, 1) + 2*PT(519, 11754, 1) + PT(1257/2, 43371/4, 2) all nontrivial integral points on EC(0, -30032270) modulo negation : PT(311, 219, 1) = PT(311, 219, 1) + 0*PT(479, 8937, 1) + 0*PT(20551191/251, 34205098051/63001, 251) + 0*PT(177377639/391, 2339549066493/152881, 391) PT(479, 8937, 1) = 0*PT(311, 219, 1) + PT(479, 8937, 1) + 0*PT(20551191/251, 34205098051/63001, 251) + 0*PT(177377639/391, 2339549066493/152881, 391) PT(38115991067861271, 7441505802879036345061579, 1) = 0*PT(311, 219, 1) - PT(479, 8937, 1) - PT(20551191/251, 34205098051/63001, 251) - PT(177377639/391, 2339549066493/152881, 391) all nontrivial integral points on EC(0, 117073) modulo negation : PT(146, 1797, 1) = PT(146, 1797, 1) + 0*PT(587, 14226, 1) PT(587, 14226, 1) = 0*PT(146, 1797, 1) + PT(587, 14226, 1) PT(65589428378, 16797736678114635, 1) = - PT(146, 1797, 1) + 2*PT(587, 14226, 1) References: [DF] Delone, B.N., Faddeev, D.K.: The theory of irrationalities of the third degree, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. of Math. Monographs, 10, Providence, RI, 1964. [GSch] Ga\'al, I., Schulte, N.: Computing all power integer bases of cubic number fields, Math. Comp. #53 (1989), 689--696. [GPZ] Gebel, J., Peth\H{o}, A., and Zimmer, H.G.: On Mordell's equation, _Compositio Math._ #110 (1998), 335--367. [W] Wildanger, K.: \"Uber das L\"osen von Einheiten- und Indexformgleichungen in algebraischen Zahlk\"orpern mit einer Anwendung auf die Bestimmung aller ganzen Punkte einer Mordellschen Kurve, PhD Thesis, TU Berlin, 1997.