From: "James Giles" Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis,comp.lang.fortran Subject: Re: Most stable formula for evaluating roots of quadratic equation Date: 16 Nov 1998 19:38:53 GMT Jos Bergervoet wrote in message ... >Michael Buck writes: > >>I am looking for the numerically most stable, i.e. most accurate >>formulation for evaluating the roots >>of a quadratic equation (2nd order polynom) > >Use the code listed below. ... > Subroutine quadrc(a,b,c,w1,w2) >! -- Solves a x^2 + b x + c = 0; w1 becomes root with smaller abs. val. > implicit complex*16(a-z) > > b2 = -b/2 > d = sqrt(b2*b2-a*c) > s = b2+d > s2= b2-d > if(abs(s2) .gt. abs(s)) s=s2 > w2 = s/a > w1 = 0 > if( w1=c/s > end I wasn't going to answer this thread because I figured there would be many essentially correct solutions posted, but I believe it is always desirable to give the reasons for the changes you suggest to someone. First, given that the original statement of the problem was that A and B were greater than zero and C was less than zero, there is no need to introduce the COMPLEX data type into his problem. The expression within the SQRT call will always be positive. Second, the introduction of B2 saves a little time (and slightly decreases the chance that B**2 will overflow) but does nothing to increase the accuracy of the solution. I'm not saying that it's a bad idea: the saved time is no doubt worth something. But it should be explained that the modification if for speed. Third, you use B2*B2 instead of B2**2. This should be what the compiler does anyway for small integer exponents. But if it isn't, the single multiply is almost certainly more accurate than the exp(2*log(B2)) that might usually be the alternative. It's always a good idea to multiply rather than exponentiate if you can. Fourth, the introduction of S and S2 is again mostly a time saver. The normal solution divides by A to get the first root, and then inverts that root and multiplies it by C/A to get the second root. This second division by A essentially produces the S value you had before. There is possibly a little loss of precision from this, but not significant in this case (see below). Fifth, the IF statement to choose that largest value solution as the principal root and computing the other from it resolves the issue of "front cancellation" when subtracting nearly equal values. But again, this should be a moot point in this case (next paragraph). If he _did_want the second root, this would be a very important step. Subtracting two (nearly equal) values which are both the result of calculation is a good way to _promote_ error. Given that A and B are positive, C is negative, and he only wanted the (most) negative root, the naive solution is: R1 = (-B - SQRT(B*B - 4*A*C)) / (2*A) This is also the largest magnitude root of the two, given the prior knowledge of the values. In spite of your changing variables, this is the result your program would produce as well (assuming that multiplications by 4 and 2 are exact as well as your division by 2). Since the other root is never needed, the whole discussion above about S and S2 is not really relevant in this case. Nor is the issue of selecting the largest root as the principal one. (If he decides he needs the other root, the statement R2 = C/(A*R1) can be used. This still avoids the "front cancellation" from the subtract.) Horst Kraemer also gave a solution. In it, he also did a lot of substitution of variables. He defined P as B/(2*A) and Q as C/A. The solution was then given for: X^2 + 2PX + Q = 0 The solution also involved some time saving and a test for the largest magnitute root. But, in the end it should again produce the same solution as R1 above for the case in question. In the case, as described, if the solution given by the naive solution is not adequate, you might try using extended precision (say double the precision that the variables A, B, and C are declared) for all the intermediate calculations in the solution. This would probably be about the best you could do (assuming the extended precision SQRT function was "good to the last ULP") If the system you're on doesn't have extended precision (or if the cost of an extended precision SQRT is prohibitive), you might try: R1_PRIME = R1 - (A*R1*R1 + B*R1 + C) / (2*A*R1 + B) This is a Newton's method iteration applied to the quadratic formula. Assuming that the problem really is a poor approximation of R1 from the naive formula, this should correct the approximation quite precisely (assuming that R1 is close at all). It may even be cheaper to do the naive calculation and the Newton's iteration both in normal precision than to do a single expression of the naive solution in extended precision. Applying the various time saving variable substitutions may also help. Maybe I've confused the issue now, with too much information. But I really do think that answers should give explanations and not just code to blindly follow. Anyway, good luck. -- J. Giles