From: (Troy257) Newsgroups: sci.math.research Subject: Re: Integer-colouring problem Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 09:08:30 -0500 This is a variation of a problem of Van der Waerden. In the twenties, Van der Waerden proved that for any k and p, there is some N such that every k-coloring of 1..N contains a monochromatic arithmetic progression of length p. Of course, this arithmetic progression doesn't have to be of the form n, 2n, ..., it could be of the form n + q, 2n+q, 3n+q, ... for some q. The problem with Van der Waerden's proof (and all subsequent proofs) is that the best upper bounds on the value of are astronomically large-- much much worse than exponential. It seems likely that Van der Waerden's approach can be modified to handle your additional demand that the progressions actually be multiples of a single integer (and your restriction that k = p), though the bounds on N may be even larger. This problem is discussed at length in a book called Ramsey Theory by Ron Graham et al, and in an article in Scientific American some time about 1990, Graham gives a nice introduction to the problem and offers $5000 (if memory serves) for an improved proof. I don't believe anyone ever won the $5000, though I'm not sure. This fact, combined with the fact that mathematical royalty like Graham and Erdos beat their heads against the problem unsuccessfully, should give some idea just how difficult the problem is. On the other hand, the problem is so intuitive and simple to state, you never know, there just may be some clever approach out there waiting to be discovered. Good Luck.