From: (Greg Kuperberg) Subject: This week in the xxx mathematics archive (3 May - 7 May) Date: 10 May 1999 11:56:20 -0700 Newsgroups: sci.math.research Keywords: Heegaard splittings Here are this week's titles in the xxx mathematics archive, available at: Instructions for contributing articles are available at: This week I'd like to discuss a line of research in 3-manifold topology that has been picked up by the archive: The structure of the set of Heegaard splittings of a 3-manifold. The archive articles on this topic include math.GT/9903078, math.GT/9902010, math.GT/9803157, math.GT/9803009, math.GT/9802101, and math.GT/9712262. Although this work involves a number of good people, I note that Marty Scharlemann is a co-author of most of these articles. 3-manifold topologists have developed an intuitive distinction between "deep geometric" structure on a 3-manifold and "superficial combinatorial" structure. For example, a triangulation of a 3-manifold is considered superficial, because it is easy to find many of them and hard to know what most of them mean. A hyperbolic structure, on the other hand, is deep. It is unique and immediately gives a lot of explicit information about the topology of the manifold. A Heegaard splitting of a closed 3-manifold is a decomposition of the 3-manifold into two handlebodies; a handlebody being a standard "doughnut" with one or more holes. You get a Heegaard splitting from a triangulation by taking a tubular neighborhood of the vertices and edges. Given constructions such as these, Heegaard splittings were long considered to be a type of superficial 3-manifold structure. In the 1950's and 60's, when Papakyriakopoulos, Haken, Waldhausen, and others made advances in combinatorial 3-manifold topology, there was some faint hope that Heegaard splittings could lead to deep structure. For example, Waldhausen proved that the only Heegaard splittings of the 3-sphere are the obvious ones. But even this tepid enthusiasm did not last, since the whole combinatorial program was supplanted by Thurston's geometrization program. Surprisingly, Heegaard splittings are now interesting again. Like other cheap descriptions of 3-manifolds, there are moves that let you go from any Heegaard splitting to any other. However, one difference is that for Heegaard splittings there is only such move, stabilization, and in one direction it is unique. (The inverse, destabilization, is not unique.) Thus the set of Heegaard splittings of a manifold form a genealogical tree, with no ultimate ancestor. The classification theorem for splittings of S^3 says that this tree is a stalk whose sole leaf is the genus 0 splitting. From the recent work on splittings, it is known (at least for non-Haken manifolds), that the tree is locally finite, indeed that it is finite below any fixed genus g (Rubinstein-Scharlemann). It is known that the tree is a stalk for any lens space (Bonahon) and for the 3-torus. I'm not sure, but I think that there is an example of a hyperbolic manifold for which the tree has only finitely many leaves (irreducible splittings). On the other hand, there is an example of Casson of a 3-manifold with infinitely many irreducible splittings, necessarily of higher and higher genus. There is a theorem of Rubinstein and Scharlemann that for non-Haken manifolds, a linear number of stabilizations suffice. That is, any two splittings of genus g and g' have a common ancestor of genus O(g+g'). There is a conjecture that one stabilization suffices. Many of the arguments for these results consider interesting singular foliations naturally associated to a Heegaard splittings. Namely, you can thicken a Heegaard surface with many parallel copies of itself until on each side the surface degenerates into an embedded graph. This is a generalization of decorating an n-sphere by constant-latitude n-1-spheres. The starting point of the Rubinstein-Scharlemann argument, for example, supposes that you have two such foliations, one for each splitting, and that they are in the simplest possible relative position. The latitude foliation also plays an important role in the Rubinstein-Thompson algorithm to recognize the 3-sphere. It is not clear if the foliation has been fully exploited. I have the feeling that the articles so far are chipping away at a more general theory. "This week in the xxx mathematics archive" may be freely redistributed with attribution and without modification. Titles in the xxx mathematics archive (3 May - 7 May) ----------------------------------------------------- [set of new titles deleted, sorry -- djr] /\ Greg Kuperberg (UC Davis) / \ \ / Visit the Math Archive Front at \/ * Free next-day service to destinations around the world *