From: Jim Ferry Subject: Re: difficult probability Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 12:01:48 -0600 Newsgroups: sci.math Keywords: probability that adjacent cards have different values Max J. Mammel wrote: > > Can anyone determine the probability that a well-shuffled deck > of 52 cards has no cards of the same value adjacent to each other? In > other words, as you go through the deck an ace will never be followed > by another ace, a two will never be followed by another two and so on. > If you actually experiment with a real deck it seems extremely > unlikely. I get a probability of about 1/21.99, in agreement with Clive Tooth's Monte Carlo result. The Mathematica transcript below gives the exact number of valid permutations, the exact probability, and an approximation of 1 / probability. In[4]:= s[4,13] Out[4]= 3668033946384704437729512814619767610579526911188666362431432294400 In[5]:= % / 52! 672058204939482014438623912695190927357 Out[5]= ----------------------------------------- 14778213400262135041705388361938994140625 In[6]:= N[1/%,16] Out[6]= 21.98948438043828 --------- Here's the code I used: $RecursionLimit = 512; s[nsuits_,nvals_] := Block[{}, n = nsuits; zer = Table[0,{n-1}]; sub[Join[zer,{0,nvals}],nsuits+1] ]; sub[arr_,j_] := If[Select[arr,Negative,1] != {}, 0, If[j==1 && Drop[arr,2] == zer, (arr[[2]]-1)(arr[[2]]-1)!, sub[arr,j] = Block[{k,md,tot}, md = {1,-1}~Join~zer; For[tot=0;k=1,k<=n,k++, tot += k (arr[[k+1]] + If[j==k,-1,0]) sub[arr + md,k-1]; md = RotateRight[md,1]; ]; tot]]]; | Jim Ferry | Center for Simulation | +------------------------------------+ of Advanced Rockets | | +------------------------+ | | University of Illinois | ============================================================================== From: Jim Ferry Subject: Re: difficult probability Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 13:23:21 -0600 Newsgroups: sci.math QSCGZ wrote: > > >Max J. Mammel wrote: > >> Can anyone determine the probability that a well-shuffled deck > >> of 52 cards has no cards of the same value adjacent to each other? > > I'd be interested in the concrete recursion formula , that you used. > I can't easily extract it from the Mathematica-code . > > Is there a possible generalization which allows to find the number > of strings without repeats (or "2-runs" or "adjacent values") > and with a_i occurrences of letter i (i=1..values) ? Let s denote the number of suits of a deck, and v the number of "values" ( = A, 2, 3, ...) or "letters." (I like your word "letters" better, but I'll use "v," not "l.") Imagine the deck consisting of s A's, s 2's, etc, but without suit markers, so that, e.g., the total number of permutations is (sv)!/s!^v. Let a "valid permutation" be one for which there are no runs of k of cards with the same letter. Let b(a0,a1,...,as;j,q) = The number of valid permutations with 0 cards each in a0 of the letters, 1 card each in a1 of the letters, . . ., and s cards each in as of the letters such there are j cards remaining of the value last played, and the string of consecutive cards played has length q. If there are no previous values played, we can set j=0, so that if p(s,v) = the number of valid permutations for the deck, then p(s,v) = b(0,0,...,v;0,1). The probability of a valid deck is just p(s,v) s!^v / (sv)!. Assuming k > 1, the recursion for b is b(a0,a1,...,as;j,q) = a1 b(a0+1,a1-1,a2,...,as;0,1) + a2 b(a0,a1+1,a2-1,...,as;1,1) + . . . as b(a0,a1,...,a(s-1)+1,as-1;s-1,1), *except* that the term aj b(a0,a1,...,a(j-1)+1,aj-1,...,as;j-1,1) is replaced by (aj-1) b(a0,a1,...,a(j-1)+1,aj-1,...,as;j-1,1) + ( b(a0,a1,...,a(j-1)+1,aj-1,...,as;j-1,q+1) if q+1 < k, < ( 0 otherwise. Here is a revised Mathematica code: $RecursionLimit = 512; p[nsuits_,nvals_,k_] := Block[{}, n = nsuits; zerm = Table[0,{n-1}]; zer = Table[0,{n}]; b[Append[zer,nvals],0,1,k] ]; b[arr_,j_,q_,k_] := If[Select[arr,Negative,1]!={},0, If[j==0&&Drop[arr,1]==zer,1,b[arr,j,q,k]=Block[{i,md, tot},For[tot=0;md={1,-1}~Join~zerm;i=1,i<=n,md= RotateRight[md,1];i++,tot+=If[i==j,(arr[[i+1]]-1)* b[arr+md,i-1,1,k]+If[q+1