From: (Peter Spellucci) Subject: Re: Eigenvalue Problems Date: 21 Jun 1999 15:00:47 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis Keywords: computational complexity of eigenvalue-related problems In article <>, "Oren E. Livne" writes: |> Dear Sirs, |> |> I'm a Ph.D. student in numerical analysis. |> Here's my questions: |> 1. Given an nxn tridiagonal matrix, what is the complexity (operations |> amount) for calculating |> all eigenvalues? O(n^2), where the constant depends on the required precision . holds for QR as well for Sturm sequence (the latter in the case of a hermitian matrix) you need O(1) steps for any eigenvalue, any step involves O(n) resp O(n-i) operations for any |> 2. What's the amount for all eigenvalues & eigenvectors in this case? O(n^3). again, the constant depends on the precision required any step now involves O(n^2) operations due to the application on the evolving eigensystem. |> 3. What is the answer on these questions for band matrices (symmetric, |> real if you want, or more general, if you can provide an answer for a |> more general case)? is it O(n), O(n^2), O(n^3)? symmetric (hermitian) case. p=bandwidth: O(p^2 n^2) and O(p^2 n^3) for p<< n |> 4. Complexity for expanding a general function in the eigensystem, once ^^^^^^ analytic : none, since for f(z)=\sum_{k=0}^{\intfy}a_k z^k f(A) = T \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} a_k diag(\lambda_i^k) T^{-1} |> computed? |> |> Can you please give refenences on the numerical software Golub & van Loan: Matrix computations Trefethen & Bau : Numerical linear algebra Demmel : applied numerical linear algebra all deal with these matters. hope that helps peter ============================================================================== From: (Peter Spellucci) Subject: Re: operation count for QR factorization by householder trans. Date: 4 May 1999 09:41:52 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis In article , "Andrew T. Yang" writes: |> Hi, |> |> |> Why is that the operation count for QR factorization of an m x n matrix |> by Householder transformation are |> |> (n^2)*m - (1/3)*(n^3)? for i=1 to n : compute length l_i of current remaining column m-i+1 mult, 1 sqrt compute normal u_i no mult's compute beta_i = 1/(l_i*(l_i+abs(a(i,i))) 1 mult , 1 div for j=i+1 to n compute scalar product of u_i and a(.,j) , length m-i+1 : m-i+1 mult multiply by beta_i, getting factor_i 1 mult subtract factor_i*u_i from a(.,j) m-i+1 mult done done sum_{i=1}^n { m-i+2 +(n-i)*(2*m-2*i+3) } mult + n div sum_{i=1}^n i = n*(n+1)/2 sum_{i=1}^n i^2 = (2*n+1)*n*(n+1)/6 result: dominant term as above. hope this helps peter