From: Allan Adler Subject: Re: Name the cubic surface! (Repost) Date: 29 Mar 1999 11:01:17 -0500 Newsgroups: sci.math.research (Patrick McLean) writes: > > Does anyone know anything about this cubic equation and the surface it > describes? > > x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 2xyz =1 > > Someone previously suggested that Newton classified all cubic surfaces, > does anyone know of a reference to this result. I don't really know, but my vague recollection of things I've heard is that Newton classified cubic curves, not surfaces. If you write your cubic homogeneously as wx^2+wy^2+wz^2-2xyz=w^3 and set the first partials equal to 0, you find just 4 common solutions, namely those where w is nonzero (hence we can assume it is 1) and x^2=y^2=z^2=xyz=1. So this is a cubic surface with 4 singularities and it is easy to check that they are double points. There are old books on cubic surfaces, e.g. The 27 Lines On A Cubic Surface, The Nonsingular Cubic Surfaces, etc., in which one can look up classical descriptions of cubic surfaces with various kinds of singularities. You might also look in Salmon's Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions, which has a chapter devoted to cubic surfaces. For example, section 523 of the Chelsea edition has a table of 23 kinds of cubic surfaces, classified according to their singularities and giving the class and number of lines on the surface in each case. There are also recent results on moduli of cubic surfaces and their connection with automorphic functions. In this case, however, it might be possible to improvise. First of all, if a cubic has two singularities P,Q then the line L joining P,Q meets the cubic in 4 points since, P and Q being double points, each counts as two intersections. Therefore, L must lie entirely in the cubic surface. The 4 singularities I mentioned above are linearly independent, hence are the vertices of a tetrahedron and we conclude that the cubic surface contains the edges of a tetrahedron. A tetrahedron has 6 edges, so that gives us at least 6 lines in the cubic and the plane W=0 contains none of these edges. However, if we set W=0, we get XYZ=0, which is satisfied by setting any one of X,Y or Z to 0. Therefore, we have three more lines, i.e. W=X=0, W=Y=0 and W=Z=0, giving us 9 lines in the cubic. Messages from the past will tell us below that there are exactly 9 lines. We can always change coordinates so that the tetrahedron becomes the standard one spanned by E1=[1,0,0,0], E2=[0,1,0,0], E3=[0,0,1,0], E4=[0,0,0,1]. What is the most general cubic surface containing the edges of this standard tetrahedron? The edges of this tetrahedron consist of all points with at least 2 vanishing coordinates. Therefore, any monomial with at least 3 different variables will vanish automatically. If L is one of the edges, say the one defines by X=Y=0, then the restriction of a cubic f(W,X,Y,Z) to L is f(0,0,Y,Z) and this must be identically 0. Therefore there are no monomials in f involving just two variables. Likewise, since f vanishes at the 4 points E1,E2,E3,E4, there are no terms W^3, X^3, Y^3, Z^3. Therefore, the most general cubic vanishing on this tetrahedron is: aXYZ + b WYZ + c WXZ + d WXY. If we divide through by WXYZ, this becomes a/W + b/X + c/Y + d/Z, so such a cubic is the image of a plane in 3-space under the transformation [W,X,Y,Z] -> [1/W, 1/X, 1/Y, 1/Z]. (Salmon uses the terminology "reciprocal surface" but is not referring to this transformation; instead, he means what we would call the dual surface.) If one of the coefficients a,b,c,d vanishes, say a, then the cubic is reducible and has a line of singularlties at least. This is not the case for your cubic so we can assume abcd is nonzero. Now, the quadruples (p,q,r,s) with pqrs nonzero form a group under coordinatewise multiplication. The mapping (p,q,r,s) -> (qrs, prs, pqs, qrs) defines a homomorphism from that group to itself which one easily shows to be surjective. Therefore, we can choose (p,q,r,s) which maps to (a,b,c,d). If we then replace W,X,Y,Z by W/p, X/q, Y/r, Z/s respectively, the equation of the cubic becomes XYZ + WYZ + WXZ + WXY =0. Such a surface looks like it ought to be pretty famous, doesn't it? From the table in Salmon I mentioned above, guessing at the notation for singularities since I never studied it, it appears that the only entry corresponding to a cubic with 4 double points is 4 C_2. Assuming I have guessed correctly, the class of this surface should be 4 and it should have exactly 9 lines on it, according to the table. On the following page, Salmon says explicitly that a cubic having the vertices of a pyramid for double points has a dual surface of the 4th degree, which he then shows how to compute. The answer is: the plane pW + qX + rY + sZ=0 is tangent to this cubic iff sqrt(p)+sqrt(q)+sqrt(r)+sqrt(s)=0, which he tells us becomes a quartic after one eliminates the radicals. He even gives the explicit formula for the result, which is: (w^2+x^2+y^2+z^2-2wx-2wy-2wz-2xy-2yz-2xz)^2-64wxyz=0. He then tells us that this quartic surface is commonly known as Steiner's quartic. He remarks that it has 3 double lines meeting in a point and every tangent plane cuts it in two conics. He refers us to section 554a for more information about it. There we learn that conversely, every quartic with 3 nodal lines meeting at a point is the dual of a 4-nodal cubic surface. In the course of proving this, he mentions that the equation of the quartic can be brought to the nicer form y^2 z^2 + z^2 x^2 + x^2 y^2 - 2wxyz by a suitable linear change of coordinates. The 4 double points of the cubic correspond to tangent planes of the quartic that happen to be tangent along a conic instead of cutting it in two distinct conics (if I am reading Salmon correctly). After worrying about what happens when two of the three nodal lines of the Steiner quartic are allowed to coincide, Salmon then states the following theorem of Darboux, as generalized by Castelnuovo: "Apart from ruled surfaces, Steiner's quartic is the only surface which is cut in non-proper curves by all planes of a dobuly infinite series." Until I study it more closely I will have to guess at his meaning, but I think he means that if there is a two dimensional family of planes, each of which cuts the surface in a reducible curve, then the surface is either ruled or else it is a Steiner surface. The fun never ends. Allan Adler