From: "N. Shamsundar" Subject: Re: Lowest few eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) of large hermitian/Symmetric Martix Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 13:51:33 -0500 Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis Keywords: deflating a matrix after some eigenvalues are found Regardless of which algorithm you use to compute the smallest eigenvalue, there is a simple technique to "deflate" the matrix after the smallest eigenvalue has been found. The deflation is performed as follows. Let x1 be an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue. Do a Householder reflection of your nXn matrix A with regard to this vector, i.e., find U=I - 2 x1 x1^T/x1^T x1, form A1=UAU^T, and drop the first row and first column in A1. The remaining (n-1)X(n-1) matrix has as its smallest eigenvalue the second smallest eigenvalue of A. The procedure can be applied recursively to find the next smaller eigenvalue, and so on. Note that since U is rank-1, the matrix multiplications in UAU^T can be reduced to matrix-vector multiplications and rank-one or rank-two updates. -- N. Shamsundar University of Houston Ender Aysal wrote in message <>... >Hi > >I wanted to add that i am programming in C. >The problem is also, that the matrix is too big to be stored in memory. But >I have a procedure which acts on a Vector like this matrix. >So lanczos was very good, because i just needet to store two vectors in >memory. >So, is there perhaps anyone who knows how to make lanczos calculate a few >eigenvectors more? >Or is there any other algorithm i could programm? > >Thanks > >Ender Aysal ============================================================================== From: Steffen Boerm Subject: Re: Lowest few eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) of large hermitian/Symmetric Martix Date: 25 Oct 1999 09:40:37 +0200 Newsgroups: sci.math.num-analysis "N. Shamsundar" writes: > Regardless of which algorithm you use to compute the smallest > eigenvalue, there is a simple technique to "deflate" the matrix > after the smallest eigenvalue has been found. Since the matrix apparently isn't stored in memory, an explicit deflations seems not to be applicable. But it is possible to remove a certain eigenvector from the space that the Lanczos methods considers by simply making sure that the start vector doesn't contain a component of this eigenvector. If v_0,...,v_{q-1} are q pairwise orthogonal, normalized eigenvectors computed in preceeding Lanzcos procedures, we can use create_start_vector(x); for(i=0; i