From: (Renee) Subject: 6 dots Date: 29 Aug 1999 13:11:35 -0400 Newsgroups: sci.math Keywords: Non-planarity of K_{3,3} Connect all the bottom dots to the top dots without crossing or touching each other. * * * * * * What principal, if any, am I looking for? ============================================================================== From: David Subject: Re: 6 dots Date: 29 Aug 1999 21:58:36 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math The principle that you are looking for is the planarity of a graph. A graph is a planar graph if it can be drawn in the plane without any edges crossing. The graph that you are looking at is K(3,3) - the complete bipartite graph with 3 vertices in each partition. But it turns out that this graph is not planar. (And Hence you can't draw in all 9 edges without some of them crossing.) Given the number of vertices (or dots) in your graph, you can calculate the maximum number of edges (or lines) that the graph can have, and still be planar: A simple planar graph with v vertices can have at most 3v-6 edges. This would suggest that youcould have at most 3(6)-6 = 12 edges on your graph without any crossing. However, this would include two edges between the vertices on top, and two edges between the vertices on the bottom, so removing those, you are left with only 8 edges - one shy of the 9 that you need to make all the connections. Actually, this leads to a further result that a simple planar triangle-free graph on v vertices can have at most 2v-4 edges. The puzzle that you are looking at is sometimes called the 3 utility problem - where the top three dots represent utility companies and the bottom three dots represent houses, and one tries to find a way to run each utility to each house without any lines crossing. Of course, there is no solution. I hope this helps. David