From: (Terence Tao) Subject: Re: On the existence of a certain measurable function Date: 20 Dec 1999 02:09:26 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math.research Keywords: product measures on the unit square In article , Jim Bergin wrote: >Let $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ be measures on the unit interval, $[0,1]$, >with $\mu = \mu_1 \times \mu_2$, the product measure on $[0,1]^2$. >Let $t=(t_1, t_2)$ denote a representative point in $[0,1]^2$. > >Each measure, $\mu_i$, has a continuous strictly positive density: >$\mu_i(dx) = f_i(x)dx$, so $f_i$ is a continuous strictly positive >function on $[0,1]$. >Suppose that $F \subset [0,1]^2$ is a measurable set with >$\mu(F) > 0$. > >\par\bigskip\noindent > >Does there exits a function $h: [0,1]^2 \rightarrow R$ and a >measurable set $Q \subset F$ ($\mu(Q) > 0$) such that: > >\par\medskip\noindent > >\item{(1)} >$h(t) = 0$, for almost all $t \in Q^c$ ($Q^c$ is the complement of >$Q$.) > >\item{(2)} >On $Q$, $h$ is not almost surely 0: >$\mu(\{ t \in Q \mid h(t) \neq 0\}) > 0$. > >\item{(3)} >(a) ${\bf E}\{ h \mid t_1\} =\int h(t_1,t_2) \mu_2(dt_2) = 0$, almost >everywhere $t_1$,\hfill\break >(b) ${\bf E}\{ h \mid t_2\} =\int h(t_1,t_2) \mu_1(dt_1) = 0$, almost >everywhere $t_2$.\hfill\break > > Yes, such an h exists. Define a _rectangle_ to be a quadruplet (x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2) of numbers in [0,1]. Let [0,1]^4 denote the space of all rectangles. We say that a rectangle is _in F_ if the four points (x_1,y_1), (x_1,y_2), (x_2,y_1), (x_2,y_2) are in F. Lemma: The set of all rectangles in [0,1]^4 which are in F has positive measure with respect to \mu_1(x_1) \mu_1(x_2) \mu_2(y_1) \mu_2(y_2). Proof: Define a _horizontal line_ to be a triplet (x_1,x_2,y) in [0,1]^3. We say that a horizontal line is _in F_ if (x_1,y) and (x_2,y) are both in F. The set X of all horizontal lines which are in F has measure \int_0^1 (\int_0^1 \chi_F(x,y) mu_1(x))^2 mu_2(y) with respect to mu_1(x_1) mu_1(x_2) mu_2(y). This can be seen to be positive since F has positive measure by an application of Cauchy-Schwarz. Since a rectangle is just two horizontal lines with the same x co-ordinates, we see that the set of all rectangles which are in F has measure \int_0^1 \int_0^1 (\int_0^1 \chi_X(x_1,x_2,y) mu_2(y))^2 mu_1(x_1) mu_1(x_2). Another application of Cauchy-Schwarz shows that this is also positive. End Proof By countable additivity one can thus find disjoint intervals I_1, I_2 and disjoint intervals J_1, J_2 such that the set of all rectangles Y in I_1 x I_2 x J_1 x J_2 which are in F have positive measure. (This follows from a Whitney decomposition of the set {(x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2): x_1 \neq x_2, y_1 \neq y_2}. For each rectangle (x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2) in Y, the measure ( f_1(x_2) \delta(x-x_1) - f_1(x_1) \delta(x-x_2) ) ( f_2(y_2) \delta(y-y_1) - f_2(y_2) \delta(y-y_2) ) is supported on F and has horizontal and vertical projections both equal to zero when multiplied by f_1(x) f_2(y). Here \delta is the Dirac measure. If one integrates this measure over Y, one gets another measure supported on F whose horizontal and vertical projections equal zero when multiplied by f_1(x) f_2(y). It is easy to show that this measure is absolutely continuous and thus of the form h(x,y) dx dy for some measurable h. This h will be the desired function. This h is not a.e. zero because it has a positive integral on I_1 x J_1 (for instance). Terry