From: Linus Kramer Subject: pi_7(O) and octonions Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 12:44:33 +0100 Newsgroups: sci.math.research Keywords: generator of homotopy group of orthogonal group, spheres John Baez asked if pi_7(O) is generated by the (multiplication by) unit octonions. View this as a question in KO-theory: the claim is that H^8 generates the reduced real K-theory \tilde KO(S^8) of the 8-sphere; the bundle H^8 over S^8 is obtained by the standard glueing process along the equator S^7, using the octonion multiplication. So H^8 is the octonion Hopf bundle. Its Thom space is the projective Cayley plane OP^2. Using this and Hirzebruch's signature theorem, one sees that the Pontrjagin class of H^8 is p_8(H^8)=6x, for a generator x of the 8-dimensional integral cohomology of S^8 [a reference for this calulation is my paper 'The topology of smooth projective planes', Arch. Math 63 (1994)]. We have a diagram cplx ch KO(S^8) ---> K(S^8) ---> H(S^8) the left arrow is complexification, the second arrow is the Chern character. In dimension 8, these maps form an isomorphism. Now ch(cplx(H^8))=8+x (see the formula in the last paragraph in Husemoller's "Fibre bundles", the chapter on "Bott periodicity and integrality theorems". The constant factor is unimportant, so the answer is yes, pi_7(O) is generated by the map S^7---> O which sends a unit octonion A to the map l_A:x --> Ax in SO(8). Linus Kramer