From: (Erick Bryce Wong) Subject: Re: Sum of Factors of an Integer Date: 10 Dec 1999 23:43:34 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math Keywords: minimal value for sum of divisors function Paul Bodenstab wrote: >Does there exist a formula that gives the highest lower >bound on the estimate of the sum of all prime factors of >a positive integer? > >For example, let N=12. The prime factorization of N is > >12=2*2*3 > >so the sum of the factors is 2+2+3=7. The largest product you can get out of parts adding up to exactly n is obtained by making all the parts equal to 3 with at most a couple 2's left over. So if the sum of the primes is, say 10 = 3+3+2+2, the number is at most 3*3*2*2 = 36. Conversely, any N > 36 cannot have F(N) = 10. It remains to show a sufficient monotonicity to obtain F(N) > 10. We have: F(N) = 3k implies N <= 3^k, F(N) = 3k+1 implies N <= 2^2*3^(k-1) = (4/3)*3^k, F(N) = 3k+2 implies N <= 2*3^k, from which we see that our upper bound for N, given F(N), is monotonic. We may therefore safely invert it to get a lower bound for F(N) given N. It grows as 3*log(N)/log(3) + C, where C varies between 0 and 0.2144..., depending on how close N is to the next lowest power of 3. As luck would have it, 2 and 3 are both prime, so this bound is quite sharp :). -- Erick ============================================================================== From: Kurt Foster Subject: Re: Sum of Factors of an Integer Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 04:38:20 GMT Newsgroups: sci.math In <82rqj6$jsi$>, Paul Bodenstab said: . Does there exist a formula that gives the highest lower . bound on the estimate of the sum of all prime factors of . a positive integer? [reply also E-mailed] Yes, F(n) >= (3/ln(3)) * ln(n), with equality precisely when n is an integer power of 3. One way of proving this is as follows. It is easy to show that, if A_1, B_1, A_2 and B_2 are positive, and A_1/B_1 =< A_2/B_2, then A_1/B_1 < (A_1+A_2)/(B_1+B_2) < A_2/B_2. This result is then easily extended as follows: If all A_i and B_i are positive, and if A_1/B_1 < A_2/B_2 < ... < A_k/B_k, then A_1/B_1 < (A_1+A_2+...+A_k)/(B_1+B_2+...+B_k) < B_k. Now, let n = PRODUCT, p_i^a_i where the p_i are distinct primes and the a_i are positive integers. Then F(n) = SUM, a_i * p_i, and ln(n) = SUM, a_i * ln(p_i). Now x/ln(x) is increasing for x > e; 2/ln(2) = 4/ln(4), hence 3/ln(3) < 2/ln(2) < 5/ln(5) < 7/ln(7) < 11/ln(11) < ... Using the previous result we have, if n has more than one prime factor, MIN, p|n, p/ln(p) < F(n)/ln(n) < MAX, p|n, p/ln(p) Therefore, the smallest possible value of F(n)/ln(n) is 3/ln(3), and it only occurs precisely when n is an integer power of 3.