ANNOUNCEMENT - I would like to make known a large collection of files available over the World-Wide Web. These are usually expository articles about topics in mathematics at the undergraduate, graduate, or professional level. For the most part these are taken from the USENET math groups or from email. The collection is available at ALTERNATIVE ACCESS - The individual files may also be retrieved by anonymous FTP from (directory pub/papers/Rusin/known-math) or by gopher from (select Faculty Publications / Rusin / known-math). Unfortunately, the file names are often cryptic, so WWW access is advised if possible; otherwise, you should begin with the file index.html found in each subdirectory. WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE COLLECTION - What you will find at this site is the 1400 or so files I have saved during recent years of scanning the newsgroups. It's not complete by any easily-defined measure -- that is, it's not an archive of sci.math (I save about 1% of the posts there), nor does it span all of mathematics, nor is there any subfield covered exhaustively. It's the union of my own posts and letters together with those I saw which I felt either explained well something I already knew, or which gave pointers to something I hope to learn more about, or which asked a question I planned to return to at some time. I would advertise the site simply as "a place you might find something useful". I have provided several ways to select the individual files there to improve the likelihood that you will find what you seek. More information about the collection is available there. AUTHORS' RIGHTS - Most of the material to be found there is written by other people. I have written to the 500 or so authors involved to get their permission to provide this material. A majority have kindly granted this permission. I have tried to deal appropriately with material whose author could not be reached or did not respond (details available at the site). I would like to take this opportunity to offer people an extra chance to have me edit or withdraw anything which they feel violates their rights; for example, I may not have caught attributions to A in a letter B sent me which included excerpts of a letter from A to B. In a few cases, the access-denied message is a signal that I am still adjusting private email pending permissions. PARDON MY DUST - Quite a few of those whose posts or letters appear on this site have sent me suggestions, updates, and revisions. I am incorporating those as quickly as I can, but I have decided to keep to the announcement date I had mentioned to many of them rather than wait until all the changes are in place. I hope this is not too much of an inconvenience either for the authors or the users. It will likely be several months before the initial adjustments are complete, but I have every intention of carrying them out as soon as time can be found. Please note that as part of those changes I may need to reorganize directories; so if you find a file you'd like to link, please link also the above initial URL (which I promise to keep stable). In the meantime, please pardon the somewhat uneven quality of the index files and directory structure. A WORD OF THANKS - I really appreciate the cooperation of the many people who have contributed to this collection. A great deal of expertise and care has gone into some of these posts and letters, all on a volunteer basis of course. In the midst of much genuine concern about the quality of mathematical discussion on the internet, it is good to realize that some very good material has been available. dave Work priorities: 1)..permission/privacy issues 2)..broken links or access problems 3)..serious organizational or content errors 4)..updates and corrections to existing files 5)..improvements and additions 6)..planning for future direction