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12H: Differential and difference algebra


Equip a field with an additional operator which satisfies identities parallel to the rules for differentiation of functions. These structures obviously include various fields of functions (e.g. the field of rational functions in one variable over the real field). A key consequence of studying such structures is that it makes it possible to answer concretely such questions as, "Does this function have an elementary antiderivative?"


Applications and related fields

For applications of Differential fields see 34: Ordinary Differential Equations and 35: Partial Differential Equations.

General-purpose symbolic algebra programs (see 68D30) tacitly perform computations in fields, including Z/pZ. The fairly sophisticated products also carry out algorithms from differential algebra to determine the integrability of elementary functions.


Parent field: 12: Field theory and polynomials

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Textbooks, reference works, and tutorials

Software and tables

Handbooks of integrals are common; particularly massive is the set of integral tables by Gradshteyn, I.S. and Ryzhik, I.M. "Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products", (5th ed, 1993), San Diego CA: Academic Press. Somewhat closer to a textbook (offering some discussion of the principal themes) is Zwillinger, Daniel: "Handbook of integration", Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, MA, 1992. ISBN 0-86720-293-9.

Online integrators from Wolfram Inc. and Fateman. (The latter calls the former if it gets stuck.)

Symbolic Summation package for Mathematica

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Last modified 2000/10/17 by Dave Rusin. Mail: