- 68Q01: General [new in 2000]
- 68Q05: Models of computation (abstract processors, Turing machines, etc.) [See also 03D10]
- 68Q10: Modes of computation (concurrent, parallel, nondeterministic etc.) [See also 68Q90]
- 68Q15: Complexity classes [See also 03D15]
- 68Q17: Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.) [new in 2000]
- 68Q19: Descriptive complexity and finite models [new in 2000]
- 68Q25: Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
- 68Q30: Algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov complexity, etc.)
- 68Q32: Computational learning theory [new in 2000]
- 68Q42: Rewriting systems
- 68Q45: Formal languages [See also 03D05, 20M35, 94A45]
- 68Q55: Semantics [See also 03B70, 06B35]
- 68Q60: Specification and verification of programs [See also 03B70]
- 68Q65: Abstract data types; algebraic specification
- 68Q70: Algebraic theory of automata [See also 18B20, 20M35]
- 68Q80: Tessellation automata, iterative arrays, cellular structures
- 8Q85: Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.) [new in 2000]
- 68Q99: None of the above, but in this section.
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Last modified 2000/01/24 by Dave Rusin. Mail: