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Index using M.A.A. Basic Library List
Here are the top-level areas of mathematics and related fields
classified according to the Mathematical Association of America for the
construction of their
"Basic Library List".
(Accompanying that list is a collection of selected texts and reference works
for the different areas, usually at the undergraduate level.)
Note that this system is not necessarily geared towards complete coverage
of advanced mathematics; indeed, several of the areas are not really distinct
areas of mathematics at all but introductions to the applications of certain
mathematical techniques to various other fields of study. The system used more
commonly among mathematicians is the Mathematics
Subject Classification (MSC) scheme, which is the basis for the
organization of materials at this site; some of the topics below will
then not correspond very closely to any of the index pages here.
[No links are yet provided from the list below to the index pages at this
site; sorry.]
Major Headings:
- General Anthologies
- Elementary Exposition
- Advanced Surveys
- Mathematics Appreciation Texts
- Fiction, Aphorisms, Epigrams
- Miscellany
- Dictionaries
- Handbooks
- Encyclopedias
- Bibliographies
- Indexes
- Reviews
- International Congresses
- Surveys
- Biographies
- Source Books
- Classic Works
- Ancient and Medieval
- Modern
- Numbers
- Algebra
- Calculus and Analysis
- Geometry
- Probability and Statistics
- Computers
- Physics and Astronomy
- Surveys
- Games and Puzzles
- Puzzle Collections
- Contests and Problems
- Martin Gardner
- Miscellany
- Policy
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Culture
- History
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Elementary Education
- Secondary Education
- Undergraduate Education
- Minorities and Women
- Problem Solving
- Research and Research Summaries
- Studies and Assessment
- Computers and Technology
- School Mathematics
- Precalculus
- Elementary Calculus
- Advanced Calculus
- Supplementary Resources
- Introductory Texts
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Dynamical Systems
- Partial Differential Equations
- Boundary Value Problems
- Special Topics
- Foundations of Analysis
- Elementary Real Analysis
- Advanced Real Analysis
- Fourier Analysis
- Fractals
- Introductory Complex Analysis
- Advanced Complex Analysis
- Functional Analysis
- Operator Theory
- Calculus of Variations
- Inequalities
- Harmonic Analysis
- Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces
- Nonstandard Analysis
- Special Functions
- Surveys
- Logic
- Mathematical Logic
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Set Theory
- Computability
- Model Theory
- Nonclassical Logic
- Special Topics
- Discrete Mathematics
- Finite Mathematics
- Introductory Combinatorics
- Advanced Combinatorics
- Graph Theory
- Coding Theory
- Special Topics
- Introductory Texts
- Expositions
- Elementary Monographs
- Primes and Factors
- Algebraic Number Theory
- Analytic Number Theory
- Modular Forms
- P-adic Fields
- Special Topics
- Elementary
- Advanced
- Matrix Theory
- Special Topics
- Introductory Surveys
- Constructive and Computational Algebra Applied Algebra
- Advanced Surveys
- Group Theory
- Rings and Ideals
- Fields and Galois Theory
- Commutative Algebra
- Homological Algebra
- Category Theory
- Lie Algebras
- Universal Algebra
- Special Topics
- General
- Surveys
- School Geometry
- Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry Polyhedra, Tilings, Symmetry
- Geometric Transformations
- Projective Geometry
- Computational Geometry
- Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry
- Differential Geometry
- Algebraic Geometry
- Special Topics
- General Topology
- Geometric Topology
- Algebraic Topology
- Differential Topology
- Industrial Mathematics
- Mathematics for Trades
- Health Sciences
- Data Processing
- Electronics
- Chemical Technology
- Engineering Technology
- Basic Skills
- Algebra and Finite Mathematics
- Business Statistics
- Business Calculus
- Finance
- Management
- Introductory Actuarial Mathematics
- Advanced Actuarial Mathematics
- Introductory Texts
- Advanced Surveys
- Differential Equations
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- Approximation Theory
- Computer Methods
- Special Topics
- General
- Mathematical Modeling
- Stochastic Modeling and Dynamic Programming Game Theory
- Linear Programming
- Nonlinear Programming
- Integer Programming
- Queueing Theory
- Simulation
- Control Theory
- General
- Elementary
- Advanced
- Stochastic Processes
- Foundations
- Measure Theory
- Fuzzy Sets
- Special Topics
- General
- Introductory Texts
- Elementary
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Data Analysis
- Bayesian Methods
- Computational Statistics
- Linear Models and Regression Analysis Multivariate Analysis
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Experimental Design
- Sampling and Survey Design
- Quality Control
- Time Series
- Special Topics
- Computer Literacy
- Computers and Society
- Introductory
- Data Structures
- Database Systems
- Programming
- Programming Languages
- Algorithms
- Theory of Computation
- Software Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Communications
- Mathematical Typography
- Software Engineering
- Automata
- Compilers and Translators
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Graphics
- General
- Ecology
- Epidemiology
- Genetics
- Population Biology
- Physiology
- Medicine
- Special Topics
- General
- Introductory Texts
- Advanced Surveys
- Elasticity and Solid Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Mechanics
- Relativity
- Cosmology and Celestial Mechanics
- Fluids
- Waves
- Tensor Analysis
- Information Theory
- Special Topics
- General
- Economics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
Copyright ©1998 The Mathematical Association of America
You can reach this page through welcome.html
Last modified 2000/01/18 by Dave Rusin. Mail: