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[The FermiVista! project is an index of articles and publications available on Web servers and FTP servers of universities and research centers around the world, in the fields of mathematics, information science, and theoretical physics.]

Search by keyword

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How to use this search engine

Simple searches

Enter the keywords in lower case, separated by blanks. Valid keywords are strings of at least three characters, excluding a list of common words (articles, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, common nouns and verbs, ...) in French, English, and German. You may replace accented characters by their non-accented equivalents. You may also use the classification code of the AMS: two digits, two digits + a letter, or two digits + a letter + two digits.

Power searches

If there are several keywords, the search will return those documents which contain at least one keyword. If a keyword is preceded by the "+" symbol, it will be understood as required; a keyword preceded by the "-" symbol is forbidden.

Example: ``+curve +elliptic -modular'' will search for all documents containing the words "curve" and "elliptic" but not the word "modular".


You can use the following wildcard characters (inspired by the wildcards of the UNIX shell):
This form is a slightly streamlined translation of the original FermiVista entry form.

FermiVista! is a creation of Stéfane Fermigier, with support from the UFR de mathématiques de Paris 7 (PII server under Linux + Debian + Apache). You can email comments to Fermigier at fermigie@math.jussieu.fr. FermiVista resources and affiliations:

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Note: The documents in the database are principally preprints from research organizations. While these ordinarily constitute traditional research materials, they are not usually reviewed for correctness or applicability, nor does FermiVista screen individual pages.

Also note that most of these documents are in TeX DVI or PostScript format, so you will be unable to view these without formatting software. You may wish to visit the site of the TeX Users Group.

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Last modified 1999/05/12 by Dave Rusin. Mail: