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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification
Search the 2000 MSC
- The search is not case-sensitive.
- The Boolean operator, Or, is the default between words within a keyword box; adjacency is not assumed.
- To And search terms, enter text into the two keyword boxes.
- For exact word matches, use quotes and spaces. For example, for
linear but not nonlinear, enter " linear ".
- For exact phrase matches, use quotes, e.g. "optimal control".
- Wildcards are not allowed.
You can search the MSC by text or classification code.
The search program is based on one developed by Chris Eilbeck of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) is a system used to
categorize items covered by Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt
für Mathematik. Typically revised every five or ten years, the current
classification system was introduced in 2000. The MSC is broken down into over
5,000 two-, three-, and five-digit classifications, each corresponding to a
discipline of mathematics (e.g., 62 = Statistics; 62N = Engineering
statistics; 62N10 = Quality control).
| How to apply the MSC |
| Browse the entire 2000 MSC |
| Review previous versions of the MSC |
This is a streamlined version of the search page for the MSC
provided by the American Mathematical Society. The original bears the signature
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Last modified 2000/01/14 by Dave Rusin. Mail: