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Index using Los Alamos Preprint-Server Classifications |
Here are the subdivisions of mathematics classified according to the system used at the Los Alamos preprint-server. The LANL archive is largely an amalgam of independently-founded specialty archives, and thus is not necessarily comprehensive in scope nor non-duplicative nor arranged according to any single system. (Other specialty preprint servers are mentioned on the corresponding index pages at this site.) We provide links here to what appear to be the best-matching index pages at this site to each of the 31 subject classes at LANL. You can go directly back to the index arranged according to the AMS/Zbl Mathematics Subject Classification system used to organize materials at this site.
There are also separate categories at LANL for Computer Science, Physics, and "Nonlinear Sciences" [Adaptation, Noise, and Self-Organizing Systems / Chaotic Dynamics / Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases / Nonlinear Sciences / Pattern Formation and Solitons / Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems ]
The remainder of this page is taken nearly verbatim from http://xxx.lanl.gov/new/math.html.
The categories (or subject classes) of the xxx math archive bear some resemblance to the top-level sections of the Math Subject Classification (MSC) used by Math Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik. The two classifications, however, differ in their intent and history, and the math archive advisory committee decided that strictly following the MSC was unworkable. For example, Quantum Algebra, the most popular category in the math archive, has no counterpart in the MSC. It would be impractical, perhaps even counterproductive, to reorganize this category into MSC sections. Each category of the math archive must maintain a self-sustaining stream of new submissions in order to be useful; the committee decided that the MSC sections are in places too specific or too dated for this purpose.
Finally, all authors are encouraged as well to use the optional MSC-class: field when submitting new e-prints, since some readers may wish to search for e-prints by their MSC classification.
(Important areas may have been overlooked and the best names may not have been chosen. These oversights can be corrected.)
(The existing archives alg-geom, dg-ga, funct-an, and q-alg are included as subject classifications. Old papers will be available as always, but new papers will be routed automatically to the math archive with the appropriate Subj-class.)
The subject classes of the LANL math archives are:
Real and complex algebraic geometry, schemes, stacks, commutative rings, local rings
Existence and uniqueness, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear operators, stability, soliton theory, integrable PDE's, conservation laws, qualitative dynamics
Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds
Special functions, orthogonal polynomials, harmonic analysis, ODEs, differential relations, calculus of variations, approximations, expansions, asymptotics
Discrete mathematics, graph theory, enumeration, lattice theory
Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra
Holomorphic functions, automorphic group actions and forms, pseudoconvexity, complex geometry, analytic spaces, analytic sheaves
Complex, contact, Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian geometry, relativity, gauge theory, global analysis
Dynamics of differential equations and flows, mechanics, classical few-body problems, iterations, complex dynamics, delayed differential equations
Banach spaces, function spaces, real functions, integral transforms, theory of distributions, measure theory
Continuum theory, point-set topology, spaces with algebraic structure, foundations, dimension theory, local and global properties
Finite groups, topological groups, representation theory, cohomology, classification and structure
Manifolds, orbifolds, polyhedra, cell complexes, foliations, geometric structures
Biographies, philosophy of mathematics, mathematics education, recreational mathematics, communication of mathematics
Combinatorial and geometric group theory, presentations, hyperbolic and automatic groups, related topics
Algebraic and topological K-theory, relations with topology, commutative algebra, and operator algebras
Analytic, combinatorial, and algebraic matrix analysis, numerical and computational linear algebra, applications to science and engineering, multilinear algebra
Logic, set theory, point-set topology, formal mathematics
Euclidean, hyperbolic, discrete, convex, coarse geometry, comparisons in Riemannian geometry, symmetric spaces
Rigorous results in all areas of theoretical physics, and physically motivated mathematics
Numerical algorithms for problems in analysis and algebra
Prime numbers, Diophantine equations, analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory
Algebras of operators on Hilbert space, C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, non-commutative geometry
Operations research, linear programming, Control theory, systems , optimal control
Stochastic processes, ergodic theory, martingale theory
Quantum groups, skein theories, operadic and diagrammatic algebra, quantum field theory
Commutative and non-commutative rings and algebras, non-associative algebras, universal algebra, semigroups
Linear representations of algebras and groups, Lie theory, associative algebras, multilinear algebra
Scientific and industrial simulations and algorithms, fluid mechanics, models of solids, geophysics, mathematical biology, economic models
Hamiltonian systems, symplectic flows, classical integrable systems
Schrödinger operators, Operators on manifolds, General differential operators, Numerical studies, Integral operators, Discrete models, Resonances, Non-self-adjoint operators, Random operators/matrices