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Call one batch program from another.

      CALL [drive:][path]filename [parameters]

CALL :label [parameters] CALL internal_cmd Key: parameters Any command-line arguments.
:label Jump to a label somewhere within the current batch file. internal_cmd Any internal NT command CALLing a command in this way (rather than simply running it) will evaluate any environment variable parameters note: CALL does support network (UNC) pathnames

Passing Parameters

When calling a secondary batch file or subroutine, you will often want the routine to manipulate some data, the data (usually a variable) should be passed as a parameter.

Jumping to a label

A label is defined by a single colon followed by a name

As this is effectively a subroutine I always prefix the name with s_

When you jump to a subroutine with CALL, all statements after the label are executed until either the end of the script is reached, or a GOTO :eof command.

GOTO :eof will return back to just after the position where you used CALL.

Don't forget you can also pass command line arguments to the :label and refer to these just like the parameters passed to a separate batch file.

For example

   CALL :s_staff SMITH 100
   GOTO s_last_bit

   ECHO Name is %1
   ECHO Rate is %2
   GOTO :eof

   ECHO The end of the script

Returning Parameters

When a subroutine contains local variables (SETLOCAL) you will need a method of returning values, i.e. setting a variable that is passed back to the calling routine.

This is done by executing the ENDLOCAL command on the same line as a SET statement(s)

For example

   CALL :s_calc 200 100
   ECHO %v_return%
   GOTO :eof

   SET v_sum=0
   IF %1 GTR %2 SET v_sum=5 
   ENDLOCAL & SET v_return=%v_sum%
   GOTO :eof

The use of SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL is roughly equivalent to option explicit in Visual Basic, it's use is strongly recommended.

You should also use SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL when passing values from one batch file to another.

Advanced usage : CALLing internal commands

As well as running a subroutine, CALL can also be used to run any internal command (SET, ECHO etc) and cruicially will evaluate any environment variables passed on the same line.

Each CALL does one substitution of the variables. (You can also do CALL CALL... for multiple substitutions)

For example

   @ECHO off
   set pc1=frodo3
   set pc2=gandalf4
   set pc3=ascom5
   set pc4=qwerty2
   set pc5=last1
   ::Loop through all the PCs
   FOR /L %%n IN (1,1,5) DO (call :loop %%n)
   goto :s_next_bit
   set v_pc_name=pc%1
   :: Evaluate the PC's name
   CALL SET v_pc_name=%%%v_pc_name%%%
   echo The pc is %v_pc_name%
   goto :eof
   :: continue below

:: Notice that to evaluate the contents of %pc1%
:: requires triple '%' symbols i.e CALL SET v_pc_name=%%%v_pc_name%%%

If Command Extensions are disabled, the CALL command will not accept batch labels.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." - Jack Nicholson

Related commands

CMD - can be used to call a subsequent batch and ALWAYS return even if errors occur.
GOTO - jump to a label or GOTO :eof
START - Start a separate window to run a specified program or command

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

. (dot operator) - Include (run) commands from another file
builtin - Run a shell builtin
chroot - Run a command with a different root directory

Simon Sheppard