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CSVDE / LDIFDE (Directory Exchange)

Import or Export Active Directory data to a file. The syntax of these two commands is identical, the difference being that one works with CSV files and one with LDIF files.


   Export to file:
             CSVDE [-f FileName] [options]
            LDIFDE [-f FileName] [options]
Import from File: CSVDE -i [-f FileName] [options] LDIFDE -i [-f FileName] [options] Key -f Filename Input or Output filename -s servername The server to bind to -c FromDN ToDN Replace occurrences of FromDN to ToDN -v Verbose -j Path\LogFile Logfile location -t Port Number (default = 389) -? Help Export options -d RootDN The root of the LDAP search (Default to Naming Context) -r Filter LDAP search filter (Default to "(objectClass=*)") -p SearchScope Search Scope (Base/OneLevel/Subtree) -l list Attributes to look for in an LDAP search (comma separated List) -o list Attributes to omit from input (comma separated list) -g Disable Paged Search -m Enable the SAM logic on export -n Do not export binary values Import options -k Ignore 'Constraint Violation' and 'Object Already Exists' errors. Note to successfully import a file it must contain as a minimum The DN(distinguished name), DisplayName and ObjectClass Username/Password credentials -a Sets the command to run using the supplied user distinguished name and password. For example: "cn=yourname,dc=yourcompany,dc-com password" -b Sets the command to run as username domain password. The default is to run using the credentials of the currently logged on user.

CSV (comma-separated value) format files can be read with MS Excel and are easily modified with a batch script.
LDIF files (Ldap Data Interchange Format) are a cross-platform standard. This provides a method to populate Active Directory with data from other directory services. (e.g. Netscape NDS, Novell NDS/eDirectory, Oracle Internet Directory)

For security reasons neither of these tools will export passwords. When you import an account it is given a null password, if the domain has a password length policy, then the account will be disabled (You can re-enable accounts in bulk with a script)

CSVDE and LDIFDE are supplied with Windows 2000/2003 Server but can also be run on Win2000 Professional and XP Professional (i.e run remotely against the Active Directory Server.)


Export the whole domain
CSVDE -f MyDomain.csv

Export all users with a particular surname:
CSVDE -f MyUsers.csv -r (and(objectClass=User)(sn=Surname))

Import the whole domain
CSVDE -i -f MyDomain.csv -j C:\MyLogfile.txt

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
- Emma Lazarus

Related Commands:

Q271517 - Ldifde fails if an attribute contains blank spaces.
Q327620 - Import contacts and users with CSVDE
Q263991 - How to set a user's password with Ldifde
Q276440 - Backup and Restore Connection Agreements with CSVDE

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

ldapadd - Add LDAP information

Simon Sheppard