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DIRUSE (Resource Kit)

Display disk usage

      DIRUSE [options] Folders...

/M	Display in Mb
/K	Display in Kb
/B	Display in bytes (default)
/,	Use thousand separator when displaying sizes.

/Q:#	Quota limit, mark folders that exceed the size (#) with a "!".
        set %errorlevel% to ONE if any folders are found that
	exceed the specified size

/*	Report on one level of subfolders (top-level folders)

/D	Display only folders that exceed specified sizes.
/S	Include detail of every subfolder in the output
/O	Don't check subfolders for quota overflow.
/V	Display progress report for every subfolder

/C	Use Compressed size instead of apparent size.
/L	Output overflows to logfile .\DIRUSE.LOG.
/A	generate an alert if quota is exceeded
	(requires the Alerter service)

Note: the '-' symbol can be used in place of the '/' symbol.


DIRUSE /M /q:1.5 /* e:\users

"Work is achieved by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence" - Laurence J. Peter (The Peter Principle)

Related commands

- Display a list of files and folders
You can also list files with XCOPY /L
Freedisk.exe - check free disk space. (Win 2K ResKit)
FSUTIL - File and Volume utilities

Equivalent Linux BASH commands

du - Disk Usage
quota - Display disk usage and limits
quotacheck - Scan a file system for disk usage
quotactl - Set disk quotas
ulimit - Limit user resources

Simon Sheppard