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Recall and edit commands at the DOS prompt, and create macros. You cannot run a Doskey macro from a batch file.

      DOSKEY [options] [macroname=[text]]
key macroname : A short name for the macro. text : The commands you want to recall. options : for working with macros...
/MACROFILE=filename Specify a file of macros to install

/MACROS Display all Doskey macros

/EXENAME=exename Specify an executable other than cmd.exe
/MACROS:exename Display all Doskey macros for the given executable
/MACROS:ALL Display all Doskey macros for all executables

ALT+F10 Clear macro definitions
options : for working with the Command Buffer... /HISTORY : Display all commands stored in memory. /LISTSIZE=size : Limit the number of commands remembered by the buffer.
/REINSTALL : Install a new copy of Doskey (clears the buffer).

In normal use the command line is always in overwrite mode, DOSKEY can be used to change this to Insert, the insert key will always toggle from one to the other /INSERT : By default new text you type at the command line will be inserted in old text
/OVERSTRIKE : By default new text you type at the command line will overwrite old In addition to the above, DOSKEY is loaded into memory for every cmd session so you can use the following Keystrokes at the command line
UP and DOWN ARROWS or F8 will recall commands;

F7 : popup command history (enter to accept, ESC to cancel) <letter>F8 : command history (commands starting with letter)
F9 : select a command by number

ESC : clear command line
ALT+F7 : clear command history INSERT : toggle Insert/Overwrite
Pressing F8 repeatedly will cycle through all the matching commands. The size of the command history can be set from Control Panel, Console or from the properties of any cmd shortcut. Clear all history with DOSKEY /REINSTALL
A macro to open notepad
DOSKEY note=notepad.exe

A macro to open WordPad
DOSKEY wpad="C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe" A macro called `d' to run dir/w
DOSKEY d=dir/w A macro to disable the FORMAT command DOSKEY FORMAT=;Ive disabled the Format command

More advanced macro definitions:
$T If you put more than one command in a DOSKEY macro, use $T.
to separate them. Equivalent to & in a batch file.
$1-$9 Parameters, equivalent to %1-%9 in a batch file.
$* This represents ALL the parameters $1-9

A macro to open a file with WordPad:
DOSKEY wpad="C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe" $1
Using the above macro:
wpad MyTextfile.txt Save and restore macro definitions DOSKEY macros are normally only visible to the current CMD session. The command doskey /macros >macros.cmd Will list all current macro definitions into macros.cmd, edit this file and place DOSKEY at the start of each line.

"Every time a child says they don't believe in fairies there is a little fairy somewhere that falls down and dies" - Sir James Barrie

Related commands:

The Script-It Utility (from the Windows NT Server Website) can supply keystrokes to control almost any Windows Application.

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

m4 - Macro processor
history - Command history

Simon Sheppard