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LOGEVENT (Resource kit)

Write text to the NT event viewer.

      logevent [-m \\MACHINENAME] [options] "Event Text"
       -s  : Severity is one of 

       -c  : Category - A Number between 0 and 65536
             This can be used to Filter the event log view
             (default = "none")

When a fellow says, "It ain't the money but the principle of the thing," it's the money. - Kim Hubbard

Related commands

EVENTCREATE - Create a custom event log message (Windows XP)
EVENTQUERY - Read an event log message (Windows XP)
EVENTTRIGGERS - display and configure Event Triggers (Windows XP)
NET SEND - Manage network resources (Popup message)
WshShell.LogEvent - Log an item in the Event log
WMIC NTEVENTLOG - WMI access to the event log.

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:


Simon Sheppard