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LOGTIME.exe (Resource kit)

Create logtime.txt and adds the date, time and a message

      LOGTIME text_string

   text_string : The message to add to the log file. 

The date is stored in the US mm/dd/yy format (NT 4.0)

Sample batch file:

LOGTIME "begin import program"
LOGTIME "end import program"

An alternative command is
ECHO. | DATE | FIND /i "current">>C:\Install_log.txt

"You can always tell that an organisation is on the skids when it changes it's name, and pays a lot of money for consultants to invent some ghastly new corporate identity" - Baroness Helena Kennedy

Related Commands:

- Display message on screen
DATE /T - Display or set the date
TOUCH - Change file timestamps
Timethis - Time how long it takes the system to run a command. (Win 2K ResKit)
Uptime - Time since last reboot. (Win 2K ResKit)

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

echo - Display message on screen
select - Accept keyboard input

Simon Sheppard