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Send a pop-up message to a user.

      MSG username [options] [message]

      MSG sessionname [options] [message]

      MSG sessionid   [options] [message]

      MSG  @filename [options] [message]

      MSG * [options] [message]


   /SERVER:servername  The server to contact (default is current).

/TIME:seconds Time delay to wait for receiver to acknowledge msg.
/V Verbose, display extra information.
/W Wait for response from user, useful with /V.
If no message text to send is specified, MSG will prompt for it (also reads from stdin) @filename identifies a file containing a list of usernames,
sessionnames or sessionids to send the message to.
* will send the message to all sessions on the server. e.g. use this for Terminal Server/Citrix shutdown messages.

# And these children that you spit on, As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations, they're quite aware of what they're going through # - David Bowie

Related Commands:

ECHO - Display message on screen
TYPE - Display the contents of a text file

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

echo - Display message on screen

Simon Sheppard