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Microsoft Windows Installer.

      MSIEXEC /i package options

      MSIEXEC /x package options

   Advertise to current user
      MSIEXEC /ju package options [/t Transform_List | /g LanguageID]

   Advertise to all users
      MSIEXEC /jm package options [/t Transform_List | /g LanguageID]

   Administrative install - install on the network.
      MSIEXEC /a package 

   Apply a patch to an installed Admin image
      MSIEXEC /p patchPKG /a package 

   /fp          fix - replace missing files
   /fo          fix - replace Older files
   /fe          fix - replace older or Equal date files
   /fd          fix - replace Different version files
   /fc          fix - replace files based on Checksum differences
   /fa          fix - replace All files
   /fu          fix - rewrite HKCU registry
   /fm          fix - rewrite HKLM registry
   /fs          fix - recreate shortcuts
   /fv          fix - rewrite local cache from source
   /l* Logfile  Log Everything (not Verbose)
   /l*v Logfile Log Everything Verbose
   /lv Logfile  Log Verbose 
   /le Logfile  Log All error messages
   /lw Logfile  Log Non-fatal warnings
   /li Logfile  Log Status messages
   /la Logfile  Log Startup actions
   /lr Logfile  Log Actions
   /lu Logfile  Log User requests
   /lc Logfile  Log User Interface (UI) parameters
   /lm Logfile  Log memory use
   /lp Logfile  Log Terminal properties
   /l+ Logfile  Append to an existing log file.
   /l! Logfile  Clear an existing log file.
   /q , /qn  No UI.
   /qb       Basic UI.
   /qb!      Basic UI with no cancel button.
   /qr       Reduced UI. A modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the install.
   /qf       Full UI. A modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the install.
   /qn+      No UI. However, a modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the installation.
   /qb+      Basic UI. A modal dialog box is displayed at the end of the installation. If you cancel the installation, a modal dialog box is not displayed.
   /qb-      Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes.
   /y module Register a DLL - only use for registry information that cannot be added using the registry tables of the .msi file.
   /z module UnRegister a DLL - only use for registry information that cannot be removed using the registry tables of the .msi file.

Windows installer versions

Windows NT can support version 1.1 or version 1.2
Windows 2K includes version 1.1
Windows XP Sp1 /Server 2003 include version 2.0
Windows XP SP2 includes version 3.0

Updates to msiexec can be downloaded from MSDN.

"People don't resist change. They resist being changed!" - Peter Senge.

Related commands

CHANGE - Change Terminal Server Session properties
REGSVR32 - Register or unregister a DLL
RunDll32 - Uninstall DLL's e.g. MS Java

Q230781 - How to Use Property Reference Command-Line Parameters with Msiexec
Q310747 - System File Checker (Sfc.exe)
InstallSite.org - Installer and Setup resources

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

RPM - Rpm Package Manager

Simon Sheppard