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NTRIGHTS.exe (Windows 2000 Resource Kit)

Edit NT user account rights.

       NTRIGHTS +r Right -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry]

       NTRIGHTS -r Right -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry]


   +/-r Right        Grant or revoke one of the rights listed below.

     -u UserOrGroup  Who the rights are to be granted or revoked to.

     -m \\Computer   The computer (machine) on which to perform the operation.
                     The default is the local computer. 

     -e Entry        Add a text string 'Entry' to the computer's event log. 

Below are the Windows 2000 rights that can be granted or revoked.
(all are case-sensitive)

Windows 2000 Right              Meaning 

SeBackupPrivilege               Back up files and directories. 
SeRestorePrivilege              Restore files and directories.
SeMachineAccountPrivilege       Add workstations to domain. 
SeShutdownPrivilege             Shut down the system. 
SeSystemtimePrivilege           Change the system time. 

SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege        Take ownership of files or other objects. 
SeAuditPrivilege                Generate security audits. 
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege         Bypass traverse checking. 
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege        Increase quotas.
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege       Force shutdown from a remote system. 
SeSecurityPrivilege             Manage auditing and security log.
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege       Create a pagefile. 

SeCreateTokenPrivilege          Create a token object. 
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege   Replace a process level token. 
SeCreatePermanentPrivilege      Create permanent shared objects. 
SeLoadDriverPrivilege           Load and unload device drivers. 
SeLockMemoryPrivilege           Lock pages in memory. 
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege Increase scheduling priority. 
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege Profile single process. 
SeSystemProfilePrivilege        Profile system performance. 
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege    Modify firmware environment values. 
SeTcbPrivilege                  Act as part of the operating system. 

This command requires Administrator rights and does not run on NT 4.0

"What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their inability to act according to their beliefs." - Henry Miller

Related Commands:

CACLS - Change file permissions

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

Simon Sheppard