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RASPHONE (Dial Up Networking)

Manage Remote Access Service (RAS) connections.
This is a part of the Dial-Up Networking service, typically used to connect a PC to an Internet Service Provider.

Dial a RAS connection:
   RASPHONE [-v] -f PhoneBook_file -d "PhoneBook_entry" 

Hang up a RAS connection:
   RASPHONE [-v] -f PhoneBook_file -h "PhoneBook_entry" 

Display RAS Status dialogue box

Other RAS options:
   RASPHONE [-v] -f PhoneBook_file options "PhoneBook_entry"

   -a   : Add new PhoneBook entry
   -e   : Edit an existing PhoneBook entry
   -c   : Clone an existing PhoneBook entry
   -r   : Delete/remove an existing PhoneBook entry
   -v   : Disable - 'grey out' the option to rename the PhoneBook_entry

To use this command requires that Dial Up Networking Service be installed (via Control Panel - Networking)

The default location for PhoneBook entries is %SystemRoot%\System32\ras\

Related Commands:

RASDIAL - Manage RAS connections
RASMON - Windows 2000 GUI Resource Kit tool
CHECKRAS - SMS support tools

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:


Simon Sheppard