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Delete folder(s)

      RD pathname
      RD /S pathname
      RD /S /Q pathname
   /S  : Delete all files and subfolders
         in addition to the folder itself.
         Use this to remove an entire folder tree.

   /Q  : Quiet - do not display YN confirmation

Place any long pathnames in double quotes.

RD does not support wildcards but you can remove several folders in one command by listing the pathname to each.

RD c:\docs\Jan c:\docs\Feb "c:\My Documents\Mar"

RMDIR is a synonym for RD

"Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can happen to you, because someones got to take care of all your details". - Andy Warhol

Related commands:
CD - Create folder(s)
DEL - Delete selected files from an entire folder tree
Delrp - Delete a file/directory and NTFS reparse points.(Win 2K ResKit)
INUSE - updated file replacement utility (may not preserve file permissions)

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

rmdir - Remove folder(s)
rm -rf - Delete directory recursively

Simon Sheppard