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Sort will accept a redirected or piped file input and TYPE the file, sorted line by line.

      SORT [options] 

/R : Reverse sort order (Z to A, 9 to 0)
/+n : Sort the file ignoring the first 'n' characters in each row. The default is to sort using all the chars in each row. Additional options supported by Windows 2000 and above only: /L[OCALE] locale Override the system default locale with The "C" locale yields a faster collating sequence. The sort is always case insensitive. /M[EMORY] kilobytes The amount of RAM to use for the sort. The best performance is usually achieved by not specifying a memory size. SORT will only create a temporary file when required by limitations in available memory. /REC[ORD_MAXIMUM] characters The maximum number of characters in a row or record (default 4096, maximum 65535) [drive:][pathname] The file to be sorted. If not specified, the standard input is sorted. Specifying an input file is faster than redirecting the same file as standard input. /T[EMPORARY] [drive:][path] The path of the directory to hold SORT's working storage, in case the data does not fit in RAM. The default is %temp% /O[UTPUT] [drive:][pathname] The file where the sorted input is to be stored. If not specified, the data is written to standard output. Specifying an output file is faster than redirecting standard output to a file.

Redirecting a file into SORT

SORT < pathname

Piping a command into SORT

command | SORT

Piping the output from SORT into a file

command | SORT > pathname2

SORT < pathname > pathname2

Piping the output from SORT and appending to an existing file

command | SORT >> pathname2

SORT < pathname >> pathname2

Cultivate peace and order before confusion and disorder - Tao Teh Ching

Related Commands:

TYPE - Display the contents of a text file
Redirection - Redirect files, command output and error messages

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

sort - Sort text files

Simon Sheppard