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TaskList displays all running applications and services with their Process ID (PID) This can be run on either a local or a remote computer.

(Under Win NT 4 use the resource kit tool TList.)

      tasklist options

   /s computer  Specify the name or IP address of a remote computer
                (do not use backslashes). The default is the local computer.

   /u domain\user [/p password]]
                Run under a different account
   /fo {TABLE|LIST|CSV}]
                Output format, the default is TABLE.

   /nh          No Headers in the output (does not apply to LIST output)

   /fi FilterName [/fi FilterName2 [ ... ]]
                Apply one of the Filters below:

                   Status       eq, ne                  RUNNING|NOT RESPONDING
                   Imagename 	eq, ne 	                String
                   PID 	        eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le 	Positive integer.
                   Session 	eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le 	Any valid session number.
                   SessionName 	eq, ne 	                String
                   CPUTime 	eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le 	Time hh:mm:ss
                   MemUsage 	eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le 	Any valid integer.
                   Username 	eq, ne 	                User name ([Domain\]User).
                   Services 	eq, ne 	                String
                   Windowtitle 	eq, ne 	                String
                   Modules 	eq, ne 	                String

   /m [ModuleName] | /svc | /v
               /m   Show the processes that include the given module.
               /svc List all info for each process without truncation.
                    Valid when /fo=TABLE. Cannot be used with /m or /v
               /v   Verbose task information


tasklist /v /fi "STATUS eq running"

tasklist /v /fi "username eq ORACLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT"

WMIC can also list running processes and parameters

WMIC /OUTPUT:C:\ProcList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid

"The longer the title, the less important the job." - George McGovern

Related Commands:
sysinternals.com - PSLIST and ProcessExplorer
PSTAT - display running tasks including all Process Threads.
MEM - Display memory usage
WINMSD - Windows NT Diagnostics (including Physical Memory)

Equivalent Linux BASH commands:

- List running processes on the system
time - Measure Program Resource Use
times - User and system times

Simon Sheppard