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WMIC Global Options are used to set properties of the WMIC environment. You can pull data from a remote machine/node (or even a list of machines) you can also redirect output to a file. By default WMIC will retrieve data from the local machine and display on screen only.

    WMIC [global_switches] <command>

    WMIC [global_switch:value] [global_switch:value] <command>



 /NODE         Servers to operate against:
                  machine_id <,machine id list>
 /FAILFAST     FailFast mode:(timeout for connection to remote machine)
                  ON, OFF
 /LOCALE       Language id (ms_409=US)
 /OUTPUT       Mode for output redirection:
                  STDOUT, CLIPBOARD, <filename>
 /APPEND       Mode for output redirection:
                  STDOUT, CLIPBOARD, <filename>
 /RECORD       Log all input commands and output:
 /INTERACTIVE  Interactive mode:(prompt before WMI schema changes)
                  ON, OFF
 /USER         User for this session:
 /PASSWORD     Password for session login.
 /PRIVILEGES   Enable or disable all privileges:
                  ENABLE, DISABLE
 /NAMESPACE    Path for the namespace the alias operates against.
 /ROLE         Path for the role containing the alias definitions.
 /TRACE        Output debugging information to stderr.
                  ON, OFF
 /IMPLEVEL     Client impersonation level:
 /AUTHLEVEL    Client authentication level:
 /AGGREGATE    Aggregate mode: (column titles)
                  ON, OFF

 CONTEXT   - Display the current state of all global switches.

 CLASS     - Escape to full WMI schema.
 PATH      - Escape to full WMI object paths.


If any value e.g. a path or machine_id contains special characters like '-' or '/'
Enclose the value in double quotes

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." - Henry David Thoreau

Related Commands:

WMIC - Main page with Examples
MOF (Managed Object Format) - A language that describes management information. The MOF syntax is a way to describe object definitions in textual form.

Simon Sheppard