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Access data from a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. Load this package using the catldap.sql script.


init Function 
            Initialize a session with an LDAP server.
            Establish a connection with the LDAP server. 

simple_bind_s Function 
            Perform simple username/password based authentication
            to the directory server. 

bind_s Function 
            Perform complex authentication to the directory server. 

unbind_s Function 
            Close an active LDAP session. 

compare_s Function 
            Test if a particular attribute in a particular entry has a particular value. 

search_s Function 
            Perform a synchronous search in the LDAP server.

search_st Function 
            Perform a synchonous search in the LDAP server with a client side timeout.

first_entry Function 
            Retrieve the first entry in the result set returned by either search_s or search_st. 

next_entry Function 
            Iterate to the next entry in the result set of a search operation. 

count_entries Function 
            Count the number of entries in the result set.

first_attribute Function 
            Fetch the first attribute of a given entry in the result set. 

next_attribute Function 
            Fetch the next attribute of a given entry in the result set. 

get_dn Function 
            Retrieve the X.500 distinguished name of given entry in the result set. 

get_values Function 
            Retrieve all the values associated for a given attribute in a given entry. 

get_values_len Function 
            Retrieve values of attributes that have a Binary syntax. 

delete_s Function 
            Remove a leaf entry in the LDAP Directory Information Tree. 

modrdn2_s Function 
            Rename the relative distinguished name of an entry. 

err2string Function 
            Convert an LDAP error code to string in the local language.

create_mod_array Function 
            Allocate memory for array modification entries. 

populate_mod_array (String Version) 
            Populate one set of attribute information for add or modify operations. 

populate_mod_array (Binary Version) 
            Populate one set of attribute information for add or modify operations. 

modify_s Function 
            Perform a sychronous modification of an existing LDAP directory entry.  

add_s Function 
            Add a new entry to the LDAP directory synchronously. 

free_mod_array Procedure 
            Frees the memory allocated by DBMS_LDAP.create_mod_array. 

count_values Function 
            Count the number of values returned by DBMS_LDAP.get_values. 

count_values_len Function 
            Count the number of values returned by DBMS_LDAP.get_values_len. 

rename_s Function 
            Renames an LDAP entry synchronously. 

explode_dn Function 
            Breaks a DN up into its components. 

open_ssl Function 
            Establish an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection over an existing LDAP connection. 

For full documentation of the packaged procedures above see the Oracle Manual:
"Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference"

or the book Oracle Built in Packages by Steven Feuerstein et al
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Simon Sheppard