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Read and write operating system text files.

FOPEN returns a file handle, which you use in subsequent calls to GET_LINE or PUT to perform stream I/O to a file. When file I/O is done, call FCLOSE to complete any output, and free resources associated with the file.


FOPEN Function 
          Open a file for input or output with the default line size. 

FOPEN Function 
          Open a file with the maximum line size specified. 

          Open a file in Unicode for input or output. 

          Open a file in Unicode for input or output,
          with the maximum line size specified. 

IS_OPEN Function 
          Determine if a file handle refers to an open file. 

FCLOSE    Closes a file. 

          Closes all open file handles. 

GET_LINE  Read text from an open file. 

          Read text in Unicode from an open file. 

PUT       Write a string to a file. 

PUT_NCHAR Write a Unicode string to a file. 

NEW_LINE  Write one or more operating system-specific line
          terminators to a file. 

PUT_LINE  Write a line to a file. This appends an operating system-
          specific line terminator. 

          Write a Unicode line to a file. 

PUTF      A PUT procedure with formatting. 

          A PUT_NCHAR procedure with formatting.
          Writes a Unicode string to a file, with formatting. 

FFLUSH    Physically write all pending output to a file.  

For full documentation of the packaged procedures above see the Oracle Manual:
"Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference"

or the book Oracle Built in Packages by Steven Feuerstein et al

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Simon Sheppard