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Catalog and Utility Scripts

Catalog & Utility scripts for Oracle 9.2.0 (supplied in Oracle_Home/RDBMS/Admin)

bdemobld.sql - Build Oracle Data Browser Demonstration Tables
build_db.sql - Example database creation script

CATALOG.SQL  - Create data dictionary views.
CATAUDIT.SQL - Data dictionary views for auditing. (CATNOAUD.SQL will remove) 
catblock.sql - Create views of oracle locks
catclust.sql - Create CLUSTer database specific views definitions
catdbsyn.sql - catalog dba synonyms (dba_synonyms.sql)
               Create DBA only dictionary views - obsolete as DBA is now a role.
               All DBA_% views have a corresponding public synonym, and are accessible
               to any user with SELECT ANY TABLE privilege.
catexp7.sql  - Create v7 style export/import views
CATEXP81.SQL - Create internal views for Export/Import utility
catio.sql    - Collect I/O per table/object stats by statistical sampling
catjava.sql  - CATalog scripts for JAVA
catjobq.sql  - Catalog views for the job queue
catjvm.sql   - create USER|DBA|ALL_JAVA_* views
catldap.sql  - CATalog for LDAP pl/sql API
catldr.sql   - Views for the direct path of the loader
catlsby.sql  - Logical Standby tables and views
CATPART.SQL  - Creates data dictionary views for the partitioning table.
               (catnoprt.sql  Will remove)
catoctk.sql  - CATalog - Oracle Cryptographic ToolKit
catol.sql    - outline views and synonyms
catparr.sql  - Parallel-Server specific views, performance queries, etc
catpatch.sql - Script to apply CATalog PATCH set
CATPITR.SQL  - Tablespace Point in Time specific views 
CATPLUG.SQL  - Pluggable Tablespace check views
CATPRC.SQL   - Creates data dictionary views for types, stored procedures, and triggers.
catproc.sql  - Run all sql scripts for the procedural option
catqm.sql    - Creates the tables and views needed to run the XDB system 
catqueue.sql - contains the queue dictionary information
catrep.sql   - Run all sql scripts for replication option
catrepc.sql  - repcat tables, views, and sequences
catrepm.sql  - catalog script for master replication packages
catrepr.sql  - CATalog REPlication Remove
catreps.sql  - installs  PL/SQL packages for snapshot functionality.
catrls.sql   - Catalog views for Row Level Security
catrm.sql    - packages for the DBMS Resource Manager
catrpc.sql   - RPC procedural option
catrule.sql  - Rules Catalog creation
catsnap.sql  - data dictionary views for snapshots
CATSNMP.SQL  - Creates an SNMPAgent role
catspace.sql - CATalog SPACE management (remove with catspaced.sql)
catsum.sql   - data dictionary views for summary management
catsvrmg.sql - Create the views and tables required for Server Manager
csminst.sql  - Create tables for Database Character Set Migration Utility

d0801070.sql -  downgrade Oracle RDBMS from current release to 8.1.7
d0900010.sql -  downgrade Oracle RDBMS from current release to 9.0.1
dbmsalrt.sql - Blocking implementation of DBMS "alerts"
dbmsapin.pls - dbms_application_info package spec for applications.

nothing.sql  - does nothing
migrate.bsq  - script for the migration utility

scott.sql    - Create scott/tiger sample data (UTLSAMPL.SQL)
spauto.sql   - SQL*PLUS collection of STATPACK statistics
spcpkg.sql   - SQL*PLUS command file to create statistics package
spcreate.sql - creates the STATSPACK user
spctab.sql - STATSPACK tables
spcusr.sql - User for the STATSPACK database objects.
spdoc.txt  - STATSPACK documentation
spdrop.sql - drop user
spdtab.sql - drop STATSPACK tables
spdusr.sql - DROP user which contains the STATSPACK database objects.
sppurge.sql  - STATSPACK Purge
sprepins.sql - StatsPack Report Instance
spreport.sql - Statspack report for current instance
sprepsql.sql - SQL report to show resource usage, SQL Text and any SQL Plans
sptrunc.sql  - STATSPACK - Truncate tables
spuexp.par - Export parameter file used to export the whole STATSPACK user.
spup90.sql - Upgrades the Statspack schema to the 9.2 schema format

userlock.sql - locking routines available for user-side client use
UTLBSTAT.SQL - Gather start statistics
UTLCHAIN.SQL - Table for the analyze list chained rows
utlconst.sql - Script to check for valid date constraints. 
utldtree.sql - Show objects recursively (deptree.sql)
utledtol.sql - Outline editing utility file
utlenc.sql   - PL/SQL Package for ENCODE (UTL_ENCODE)
UTLESTAT.SQL - Gather Ending Statistics
utlexcpt.sql - create exceptions table (except.sql)
utlfile.sql  - Routines to perform File I/O
utlgdk.sql   - Routines for Globalization
utlhttp.sql  - HTTP requests from stored programs
utlinad.sql  - Routines to perform Internet address resolution.
utlincmp.sql - check for INCoMPatible objects before a downgrade
utlirp.sql   - UTiLity script to Invalidate & Recompile Pl/sql modules
utljavarm.sql - Remove all java objects
UTLLOCKT.SQL - Print lock wait-for graph tree
utlpwdmg.sql - script for Default Password Resource Limits
utlraw.sql   - Routines to manipulate raws.
utlrcmp.sql  - dependency-based recompilation in parallel.
utlrp.sql    - UTiLity script Recompile invalid Pl/sql modules **
UTLSAMPL.SQL - Create scott/tiger sample data (Scott.sql)
utlsmtp.sql  - PL/SQL Package for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
utltcp.sql   - PL/SQL Package for TCP/IP communication
UTLTKPRF.SQL - Grant public access to all views used by TKPROF
utlurl.sql   - PL/SQL package to escape/unescape URLs.
UTLVALID.SQL - Table for Analyze Validate (partitioned tables)
utlxmv.sql   - UTiLity for eXplain MView
utlxplp.sql  - UTiLity eXPLain Parallel plans
utlxpls.sql  - UTiLity eXPLain Serial plans
utlxrw.sql   - Create the output table for EXPLAIN_REWRITE
xmlu901.sql  - Upgrade from 9.0.1 database

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Simon Sheppard