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Date formats

When a date format is used by TO_CHAR or TO_DATE they return part of the date/time. When used by TRUNC they will return the first day of the period. When used by ROUND the values will round up at mid year/mid month (July 1 or 16th day)

CC    Century
SCC   Century BC prefixed with -

YYYY  Year 2001
SYYY  Year BC prefixed with -
IYYY  ISO Year 2001
YY    Year 01
RR    Year 01 rollover for Y2K compatibility *
YEAR  Year spelled out
SYEAR Year spelled out BC prefixed with -
BC    BC/AD Indicator *

Q     Quarter : Jan-Mar=1, Apr-Jun=2

MM    Month of year 01, 02...12
RM    Roman Month I, II...XII *
MONTH In full [January  ]...[December ]
FMMONTH In full [January]...[December]

WW    Week of year 1-52
W     Week of month 1-5
IW    ISO std week of year

DDD   Day of year 1-366 *
DD    Day of month 1-31
D     Day of week 1-7
DAY   In full [Monday   ]...[Sunday   ]
FMDAY In full [Monday]...[Sunday]
DDTH  Ordinal Day 7TH
DDSPTH Spell out ordinal SEVENTH
J     Julian Day (days since 31/12/4713)

HH    Hours of day (1-12)
HH12  Hours of day (1-12)
HH24  Hours of day (1-24)
SPHH  Spell out SEVEN
AM    am or pm *
PM    am or pm *
A.M.  a.m. or p.m. * 
P.M.  a.m. or p.m. *

MI    Minutes 0-59
SS    Seconds 0-59 *
SSSS  Seconds past midnight (0-86399) *

The following punctuation -/,.;: can be included in any date format
any other chars can be included "in quotes"

* Formats marked with * can only be used with TO_CHAR or TO_DATE not TRUNC() or ROUND()

Date formats that are spelled out in characters will adopt the capitalisation of the format
'Month' = January


Oracle Dates - SQL for Web Nerds by Philip Greenspun

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Simon Sheppard